Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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Assembly Source File
5,663 lines
; Kermit system dependent module for IBM-PC
include mssdef.h
; Copyright (C) 1982,1991, Trustees of Columbia University in the
; City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or
; institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software as long as
; it is not sold for profit and this copyright notice is retained.
; Edit History
; 6 Sept 1991 version 3.11
; Last edit 6 Sept 1991
; 2 Feb 1991 Add support for user specified IRQs 2..15.
; 29 August Add direct Interconnections Inc TES support.
; 12 August Add Novell TELAPI network interface.
; 11 March 1990 Add 75/1200 baud split speed from Dan Norstedt.
; 30 Sept 1989 Incorporate Opennet networking material from Fred Richter.
; 30 Sept 1989 Fred Richter (FGR) Intel Corp, Hauppauge NY
; polyof!inthap!fred or fred@polyof.poly.edu
; Added support for Intel Opennet Networking Virtual Terminal Services
; added "set port opennet xxx", also modified (slightly)
; the Netbios code (rpost) to always have the next Netbios receive posted
; as a small efficiency gain. Added error checking for received Netbios
; packets (there was none for async receives), also fix problem when the
; receives are canceled, where the data was being accepted anyway.
; 3 Sept 1989 Add DECnet CTERM and LAT support, plus Novell Int 6Bh.
; 9 July 1989 Add automatic usage of National Semiconductor 16550A UART in
; receiver fifo mode. Thanks to Dan Norstedt, danne@kicki.stacken.kth.se,
; and Campbell Scientific, Logan Utah for urging and supporting information.
; 17 June 1989 Add transparent interrupt driven support for IBM's Extended
; Bios via SET PORT BIOSn.
; 8 June 1989 Add Wyse-700 support from (Mikko Laanti (mjl).
; 6 March 1989 Add SET TERMINAL REPLAY FILESPEC command.
; 21 Jan 1989 Avoid initializing a port until the port is accessed for regular
; use, baud rate setting, or modem status. portin=-1 means unaccessed.
; 2 Dec 1988 Preserve UART parity etc bits in Line Control Reg.
; 30 Nov 1988 Add SET TERM CLEAR screen clear command (uses byte VTCLEAR).
; 26 Nov 1988 Add SET TERM TAB SET/CLEAR AT start-col:spacing notation.
; 21 Nov 1988 Version 2.32
; 25 Oct 1988 Add Ungermann Bass network board status check in proc chkub,
; thanks to Fritz Buetikofer and Rene Rehmann in Switzerland.
; 9 Oct 1988 Add byte vtemu.vtchset to hold choices for VT102 emulator
; character sets (US, UK, or Alternate-ROM). Tnx to Baruch Cochavy. The value
; of vtemu.vtchset must match definitions in emulator file mszibm.asm.
; 5 Oct 1988 Add SET TERMINAL DIRECTION command and status display line.
; 21 August 1988 Move tests for NUL and DEL received chars to prtchr routine
; for uniform application of tests.
; 28 July 1988 Add more UB details from Henrik Levkowetz. Double check serial
; port address for 02f8h with COM1, for PCjr, and shift to COM2 addresses.
; 16 July 1988 Use null interrupt routine, nulint, when resetting serial port
; because setting OUT2 low generates stray ints on some UARTs. [jrd]
; 1 July 1988 Version 2.31
; 12 June 1988 Add small changes to handle network session failures, and
; add carry set if serini fails to init port.
; 29 May 1988 Add Ungermann Bass NetOne NETCI support from Henrik Levkowetz
; [ohl]. Revise same to test for actual network presence and to avoid
; interference with NetBios operations. Use "SET PORT UB-Net1"
; 23 May 1988 Hangup now resets serial port so can be re-inited with DTR high
; 21 May 1988 Tweak serrst to allow stray interrupts while resetting UART,
; clear outstanding network requests when changing ports.
; 6 May 1988 Introduce xmtbufx for explict network double buffering of
; xmitted data.
; 28 April 1988 fix set port bios register problem.
; 18 April 1988 Network: do another READ when char count < low water mark.
; If BIOSn is selected skip test of Bios 40:0h for port presence.
; 3 April 1988 Ignore NUL and DEL at serial port unless DEBUG or TRANSLATE
; INPUT are active, but pass DEL if Tek mode is active. Replace netdone
; with new lclexit global word to shut net when Kermit exits.
; 22 March 1988 Add global byte Tekgraf which forces graphics board type
; 0=auto-sensing, 1=cga, 2=ega, 3=VGA, 5=Hercules, 5=ATT. Tekgraf stored
; and set in this file by Set Term Graphics <board type>. [jrd]
; 6 March 1988 Ignore received XOFF's if we have already sent one. [jrd]
; 27 Feb 1988 Add global routine getmodem to return modem status in al. [jrd]
; 9 Feb 1988 Automaticallly find Interrupt ReQuest level for a port.
; No Modem Status for network. [jrd]
; 25 Jan 1988 Revise outchr waiting on XON to use 4 millisec increments. [jrd]
; 1 Jan 1988 version 2.30
; 24 Dec 1987 Revise selection of COM1 to use COM1 name but COM2 addresses
; if base address of 02f8 (COM2) is found in 40:00h and display notice.
; Restore state of IRQ interrupt line when finished with serial port. [jrd]
; 31 Oct 1987 Add terminal type Tek4010, with Tek submode Tekflg. [jrd]
; 24 Oct 1987 Enhance clrbuf to empty any intermediate (net) buffers. [jrd]
; 19 Oct 1987 Fix stray tab-set at column 32. [jrd]
; 2 Oct 1987 Add PCjr baud rate table, from Ted Medin. [jrd]
; 6 Sept 1987 Allow serial port serint to send xoff when buffer fills even
; though user may have sent xoff by hand. [jrd]
; 27 Aug 1987 Skip timeout test in OUTCHR if receive timeout is zero. [jrd]
; 23 August 1987 Add vtemu.vtflgop to hold runtime terminal settings so that
; a reset command restores them to the Setup values, vtemu.vtflgst. Show
; displays the vtemu.vtflgop operational values. [jrd]
; 17 August 1987 Make timing adjustments for Token Passing and single buffered
; network adapter boards. Byte netdbfr indicates presence of double buffering;
; it is set in chknet as a vendor option. To test your boards force dbl buf
; then look for missing 256 byte parts of long packets sent out; missing parts
; mean new material overwrote not-yet-sent old == single buffering. [jrd]
; 8 August 1987 Add interrupt chaining in serint. [jrd]
; 23 July 1987 Clear xofsnt and xofrcv xon/xoff flags in ihost(s/r). [jrd]
; 9 July 1987 Cure confusion about COM1/2 for IBM PCjr (address of regular
; COM2 in 40:0h slot for COM1) with info from John Neufeld. [jrd]
; 2 July 1987 Route NetBios cancels through separate scb for systems, such
; as Novell NetWare, which object to having active scbs touched. [jrd]
; 25 June 1987 Add trapping of Int 14H (Bios RS232 procedure) to allow
; CTTY command to function without too much inteference from DOS. [jrd]
; 17 June 1987 Enlarge tab setting to full 132 columns at all times. [jrd]
; 11 June 1987 Add Set Term Roll on/off to control auto roll back of screen
; when new characters are displayed; default is off (no unwinding). [jrd]
; 20 May 1987 Remove rejection of NULL and DEL chars, let callers do it. [jrd]
; 16 May 1987 Add distinction between user typed and receiver threshold
; controlled sending of XOFF. User level overrides buffer control.[jrd]
; Add COM3 and COM4 support: examine memory 40:00h->40:07h for selected
; port COM1..4, resp. If word is null then set flags.comflg to 0 to say
; undefined port. Otherwise, use that word in seg 40h as base of UART i/o
; ports. Assume IRQ4 for COM1 and COM3 (same except for port addresses)
; and IRQ4 for COM2 and COM4 (again, same except for port addresses).
; Serial port info sturcture (not values) assumed identical for all ports.
; 25 April 1987 Add Netbios compatible local area network support. [jrd]
; Set Port command expanded to syntax SET PORT NET nodename. Use nodename
; if acting as a client to named remote node, leave blank if running in
; Server mode. Byte 'ttyact' is controlled by msster.asm to indicate Connect
; mode is being used. Byte 'netdone' (stored in mssker.asm) holds offset of
; network hangup procedure 'netclose' to be done when leaving Kermit. Hangup
; command extended to to network hangup as well. Network uses IBM Netbios
; standard calls (Int 5Ch) and allows for extensions of AT&T STARLAN for
; longer node names via Int 2Bh (the later is tested before use). Virtual
; circuits are employed. The Redirector is not necessary. Kermit can operate
; as either a terminal (does a CALL at Connect mode startup), a file receiver
; (does a CALL at startup), or a Kermit server (does an anonomous LISTEN at
; startup, hence no nodename). Clients should Set Timer Off.
; Note -
; When the Bios is used for serial port i/o the modem signals DSR and CTS
; must be asserted low before the Bios will access the hardware. Jumpers
; from pin 20 (DTR) to pin 6 (DSR) and from pin 4 (RTS) to pin 5 (CTS)
; will probably be necessary.
; From Glenn Everhart (who suggested using the Bios alternative)
public serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms
public dodel, ctlu, cmblnk, locate, prtchr, baudst, clearl
public getbaud, beep, shomodem, getmodem, mdmhand
public count, xofsnt, puthlp, putmod, clrmod, poscur, holdscr
public sendbr, sendbl, machnam, setktab, setkhlp, lclini, showkey
public ihosts, ihostr, dtrlow, serhng, comptab, pcwait
public portval, bdtab, ubhold, dupflg, setnbios
off equ 0
bufon equ 1 ; buffer level xon/xoff on-state control flag
usron equ 2 ; user level xon/xoff on-state control flag
mntrgh equ bufsiz*3/4 ; High point = 3/4 of buffer full
mntrgl equ bufsiz/4 ; Low point = 1/4 buffer full
BRKBIT EQU 040H ; Send-break bit.
TIMERCMD EQU 43h ; 8253/4 Timer chip command port
TIMER2DATA EQU 42h ; 8253/4 Timer 2 data port
PPI_PORT EQU 61h ; 8255 prog peripheral chip control port
VIDEO EQU 10H ; Bios Video display software interrupt
RS232 EQU 14H ; Bios RS232 serial port s/ware interrupt
; constants used by serial port handler
MDMINP EQU 1 ; Input ready bit
MDMOVER EQU 2 ; Receiver overrun
; 1200/75 baud split speed constants
cnt75b equ 47721/3 ; One bit of 75 baud at 1.193 Mhz clock
precomp equ cnt75b/8 ; Precomp 12%, allows 3ms latency w 12% jitter
_TEXT segment
extrn ktcpstart:far, ktcpstop:far
_TEXT ends
data segment
extrn flags:byte, trans:byte, ttyact:byte, comand:byte
extrn lclsusp:word, lclrest:word, lclexit:word, rxtable:byte
extrn rdbuf:byte, taklev:byte, tekflg:byte, scbattr:byte
extrn low_rgt:word, diskio:byte, crt_cols:byte, repflg:byte
extrn dosnum:word, portirq:byte, dosctty:byte, decbuf:byte
extrn tcpdata:word, tcphost:byte, tv_mode:byte
; Modem information
mdminfo struc
mddat dw 0 ; data register, base address (03f8h)
mdiir dw 0 ; interrupt identification register (03fah)
mdstat dw 0 ; line status register (03fdh)
mdcom dw 0 ; line control register (03fbh)
mden db 0 ; mask to enable interrupt
mddis db 0 ; mask to disable interrupt
mdmeoi db 0 ; specific EOI
mdintv dw 0 ; saved interrupt vector (0ch is IRQ 4)
mdmintc dw 0 ; interrupt controller control (20h or 0a0h)
mdminfo ends
modem mdminfo <>
setktab db 0 ; superceded by msuibm code, return 0 here
setkhlp db '$' ; and add empty help string
holdscr db 0 ; Hold-Screen, non-zero to stop reading
savsci dd 0 ; old serial port interrupt vector
sav232 dd 0 ; Original Bios Int 14H address, in Code seg
savirq db 0 ; Original Interrupt mask for IRQ
savier db 0 ; original UART Int enable bits (03f9)
savstat db 0 ; orginal UART control reg (03fch)
savlcr db 0 ; Original Line Control Reg (3fbh) contents
dupflg db 0 ; full (0) or half (1) duplex on port
quechar db 0 ; queued char for outchr (XOFF typically)
intkind db 0 ; cause of serial port interrupt
isps2 db 0 ; non-zero if real IBM PS/2
erms40 db cr,lf,'?Warning: Unrecognized Speed',cr,lf,'$'
badbd db cr,lf,'Unimplemented speed$'
badprt db cr,lf,'?Warning: no hardware for this serial port$'
biosmsg db cr,lf,'?This port will be operated through the Bios as BIOS$'
msmsg1 db cr,lf,' Modem is not ready: DSR is off$'
msmsg2 db cr,lf,' Modem is ready: DSR is on$'
msmsg3 db cr,lf,' no Carrier Detect: CD is off$'
msmsg4 db cr,lf,' Carrier Detect: CD is on$'
msmsg5 db cr,lf,' no Clear To Send: CTS is off$'
msmsg6 db cr,lf,' Clear To Send: CTS is on$'
msmsg7 db cr,lf,' Modem is not used by the Network$'
msmsg8 db cr,lf,' COM1 address: Port \x$'
msmsg9 db ', IRQ $'
hngmsg db cr,lf,' The phone or network connection should have hung up'
db cr,lf,'$'
hnghlp db cr,lf,' The modem control lines DTR and RTS for the current'
db ' port are forced low (off)'
db cr,lf,' to hangup the phone. Normally, Kermit leaves them'
db ' high (on) when it exits.',cr,lf
db ' For networks, the active session is terminated.',cr,lf,'$'
machnam db 'IBM-PC$'
crlf db cr,lf,'$'
delstr db BS,BS,' ',BS,BS,'$' ; Delete string
clrlin db BS,BS,' ',cr,'$' ; Clear line (just the cr part)
portin db -1 ; Has comm port been initialized, -1=not used
xofsnt db 0 ; Say if we sent an XOFF
xofrcv db 0 ; Say if we received an XOFF
parmsk db 0ffh ; parity mask, 0ffh for no parity, 07fh with
flowoff db 0 ; flow-off char, Xoff or null (if no flow)
flowon db 0 ; flow-on char, Xon or null
flowcnt db 0 ; holds flowc (!= 0 using any flow control)
pcwcnt dw 800 ; number of loops for 1 millisec in pcwait
temp dw 0
temp2 dw 0
tempsci dw 0 ; temp storage for serint
tempdum dw 0 ; temp storage for serdum
timeract db 0 ; timer in use by a routine, flag
comptab db 23 ; communications port options
mkeyw 'Bios1','0'+1 ; '0' is to flag value as forced Bios
mkeyw 'Bios2','0'+2
mkeyw 'Bios3','0'+3
mkeyw 'Bios4','0'+4
mkeyw 'COM1',1 ; these go straight to the hardware
mkeyw 'COM2',2
mkeyw 'COM3',3
mkeyw 'COM4',4
mkeyw '1',1 ; straight to the hardware
mkeyw '2',2
mkeyw '3',3
mkeyw '4',4
mkeyw '3Com(BAPI)','C' ; 3Com BAPI interface
mkeyw 'DECnet','D' ; DECnet-DOS LAT and CTERM
mkeyw 'EBIOS','E' ; IBM/YALE EBIOS Int 14h interceptor
mkeyw 'NetBios','N' ; Netbios
mkeyw 'Novell(NASI)','W' ; Novell NetWare NASI/NACS
mkeyw 'OpenNET','O' ; Intel OpenNET support (FGR)
mkeyw 'TCP/IP','t' ; Telnet, internal
mkeyw 'TELAPI','T' ; Novell TELAPI
mkeyw 'TES','I' ; TES, Interconnections Inc
mkeyw 'UB-Net1','U' ; Ungermann Bass Net One
mkeyw ' ',0 ; port is not present, for Status
portmax equ 4 ; number of predefined ports
port1 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0> ; UART ports
port2 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
port3 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
port4 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
rept portmax-4
prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
portb1 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0> ; Bios ports
portb2 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
portb3 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
portb4 prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0>
portval dw port1 ; Default is to use port 1
bdtab db 19 ; Baud rate table
mkeyw '45.5',0
mkeyw '50',1
mkeyw '75',2
mkeyw '110',3
mkeyw '134.5',4
mkeyw '150',5
mkeyw '300',6
mkeyw '600',7
mkeyw '1200',8
mkeyw '1800',9
mkeyw '2000',10
mkeyw '2400',11
mkeyw '4800',12
mkeyw '9600',13
mkeyw '19200',14
mkeyw '38400',15
mkeyw '57600',16
mkeyw '115200',17
mkeyw '75/1200',18 ; split speed, use this index for Bsplit
Bsplit equ 18 ; 75/1200 baud, split-speed [pslms]
; this table is indexed by the baud rate definitions given in bdtab.
; Unsupported baud rates should contain 0FFh.
bddat label word
dw 9E4H ; 45.5 baud
dw 900H ; 50 baud
dw 600H ; 75 baud
dw 417H ; 110 baud
dw 359H ; 134.5 baud
dw 300H ; 150 baud
dw 180H ; 300 baud
dw 0C0H ; 600 baud
dw 60H ; 1200 baud
dw 40H ; 1800 baud
dw 3AH ; 2000 baud
dw 30H ; 2400 baud
dw 18H ; 4800 baud
dw 0CH ; 9600 baud
dw 06H ; 19200 baud
dw 03H ; 38400 baud
dw 02h ; 57600 baud
dw 01h ; 115200 baud
dw 5fh ; Split 75/1200, 1200+1.1 percent error
baudlen equ ($-bddat)/2 ; number of entries above
jrbddat label word ; Baud rate table for IBM PCjrs [tm]
dw 0FFH ; 45.5 baud -- Not supported
dw 8bfH ; 50 baud
dw 5d3H ; 75 baud
dw 3f9H ; 110 baud
dw 340H ; 134.5 baud
dw 2e9H ; 150 baud
dw 175H ; 300 baud
dw 0baH ; 600 baud
dw 5dH ; 1200 baud
dw 3eH ; 1800 baud
dw 38H ; 2000 baud
dw 2fH ; 2400 baud
dw 18H ; 4800 baud
dw 0CH ; 9600 baud
dw 06H ; 19200 baud
dw 03H ; 38400 baud
dw 02h ; 57600 baud
dw 01h ; 115200 baud
dw 5eh ; Split 75/1200, 1200+1.1 per cent error
; this table is indexed by the baud rate definitions given in
; pcdefs. Unsupported baud rates should contain FF.
; Bits are for Bios speed, no parity, 8 data bits. [jrd]
clbddat label word
dw 0FFH ; 45.5 baud -- Not supported
dw 0FFH ; 50 baud
dw 0FFH ; 75 baud
dw 03H ; 110 baud
dw 0FFH ; 134.5 baud
dw 23H ; 150 baud
dw 43H ; 300 baud
dw 63H ; 600 baud
dw 83H ; 1200 baud
dw 0ffH ; 1800 baud
dw 0FFH ; 2000 baud
dw 0a3H ; 2400 baud
dw 0c3H ; 4800 baud
dw 0e3H ; 9600 baud
dw 0FFH ; 19200 baud
dw 0FFH ; 38400 baud
dw 0FFH ; 57600 baud
dw 0FFH ; 115200 baud
dw 0FFh ; Split 75/1200
; variables for serial interrupt handler
source db bufsiz+2 DUP(?) ; Buffer for data from port (+ 2 guard bytes)
srcpnt dw source ; Pointer in buffer (DI)
count dw 0 ; Number of chars in int buffer
mst dw 0 ; Modem status address
mdat dw 0 ; Modem data address
miir dw 0 ; modem interrupt ident register
mdeoi db 0 ; End-of-Interrupt value
mdmhand db 0 ; Modem status register, current
mdintc dw 0 ; interrupt control address
; Information structures for IBM Netbios compatible Local Area Networks
; network constants
netint equ 5ch ; Netbios interrupt
nadd equ 30h ; Add name
ncall equ 10h ; CALL, open a virtual circuit session
ncancel equ 35h ; Cancel command in scb buffer
ndelete equ 31h ; Delete Name
nhangup equ 12h ; Hangup virtual circuit session
nlisten equ 11h ; Listen for session caller
naustat equ 33h ; Network Adapter Unit, get status of
nreceive equ 15h ; Receive on virtual circuit
nreset equ 32h ; Reset NAU and tables
nsend equ 14h ; Send on virtual circuit
nsestat equ 34h ; Session, get status of
netbrk equ 70h ; STARLAN Int 5bh send Break
nowait equ 80h ; no-wait, command modifier
npending equ 0ffh ; Pending request
exnbios equ 0400h ; Int 2ah exec netbios call, error retry
nbuflen equ 512 ; bytes in each network buffer (two of them)
; DEC-LAT requires 259 (256 + 3 extra)
; nettype word bits
starlan equ 0001h ; AT&T STARLAN
netone equ 0002h ; Ungermann-Bass Net/One
decnet equ 0004h ; DECnet CTERM
declat equ 0008h ; DECnet LAT
bapi equ 0010h ; 3Com BAPI
ebios equ 0020h ; EBIOS, IBM and YALE
telapi equ 0040h ; TELAPI, Novell
tes equ 0080h ; TES, Interconnections Inc and Novell
tcpnet equ 0100h ; TCP/IP
netbios equ 8000h ; NetBios
nettype dw 0 ; kind of local area net (vendor bit field)
;xncall equ 74h ; [ohl] Net/One extended call function
netci equ 6Bh ; [ohl] Net/One command interface interrupt,
; [ohl] used for the following functions:
nciwrit equ 0000h ; [ohl] Net/One write function
nciread equ 0100h ; [ohl] Net/One read function
ncistat equ 0700h ; [ohl] Net/One status function
ncicont equ 0600h ; [ohl] Net/One control function
ncibrk equ 02h ; [ohl] Net/One code for a break
ncidis equ 04h ; [ohl] Net/One code for disconnect
ncihld equ 06h ; [ohl] code for placing a connection on hold
bapiint equ 14h ; 3Com BAPI, interrupt (Bios replacment)
bapicon equ 0a0h ; 3Com BAPI, connect to port
bapidisc equ 0a1h ; 3Com BAPI, disconnect
bapiwrit equ 0a4h ; 3Com BAPI, write block
bapiread equ 0a5h ; 3Com BAPI, read block
bapibrk equ 0a6h ; 3Com BAPI, send short break
bapistat equ 0a7h ; 3Com BAPI, read status (# chars to be read)
bapihere equ 0afh ; 3Com BAPI, presence check
bapieecm equ 0b0h ; 3Com BAPI, enable/disable ECM char
bapiecm equ 0b1h ; 3Com BAPI, trap Enter Command Mode char
telport equ 23 ; Telnet port
telopen equ 0e0h ; xtelopen a connection
telclose equ 0e1h ; xtelclose a connection
telread equ 0e2h ; xtelread char(s)
telwrite equ 0e3h ; xtelwrite chars
telioctl equ 0e4h ; xtelioctl, ioctl the port
telreset equ 0e5h ; xtelreset, reset the whole TELAPI package
telunload equ 0e6h ; xtelunload, unload TELAPI TSR
tellist equ 0e7h ; xtellist, list current sessions and status
telattach equ 0e8h ; xtelattach, session to COM port # 0..3
telportosn equ 0e9h ; xtelportosn, return session id for port
telunreac equ -51 ; network is unreachable
telinuse equ -56 ; socket already in use
teltmo equ -60 ; timeout on connection attempt
telrefuse equ -61 ; connection refused
teldwnhost equ -64 ; host is down
telunkhost equ -67 ; unknown host
telfull equ -301 ; all sessions are in use
; TELAPI messages and misc data
telhlp db 'Internet address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn$'
telmsg1 db cr,lf,'?Badly constructed Internet address: $'
telmsg2 db cr,lf,'?No connection. Status = -$'
telmsg51 db cr,lf,'?Network is unreachable$'
telmsg56 db cr,lf,'?Socket already in use$'
telmsg60 db cr,lf,'?Timeout on connection attempt$'
telmsg61 db cr,lf,'?Connection refused$'
telmsg64 db cr,lf,'?Host is down$'
telmsg67 db cr,lf,'?Unknown host$'
telmsg301 db cr,lf,'?All sessions are in use$'
telstate dw 7 ; TELAPI Char/Line mode (Char mode = 7)
telhostid db 2 dup (0) ; Telnet internal host session ident
teloption dw 5 dup (0) ; Telnet Options data word/string ptr
testalk equ 4 ; TES invoke interactive cmd interpreter
tesbwrite equ 6 ; TES block write
tesbread equ 7 ; TES block read
tesinstal equ 0a0h ; TES installation/status report
teslist equ 0a1h ; TES get list of sessions, with status
tesgets equ 0a2h ; TES get list of server names
tesnews equ 0a3h ; TES start a new session
tesholds equ 0a4h ; TES hold currently active connection
tesresume equ 0a5h ; TES resume a session (1..9)
tesdrop equ 0a6h ; TES drop a session
tesnexts equ 0a7h ; TES skip to next active session
tesexec equ 0a8h ; TES send string to cmd interpreter
tesport dw 0 ; TES low byte = intercepted port
tesquiet db 'ACTION NONE',0 ; TES Stop command prompting
tesses db 0 ; TES session number (1..9 is legal)
tesname db 50 dup (0) ; TES host name asciiz
teshelp db cr,lf,'?Host name or "*" to see available hosts'
db ' or press ENTER to resume a connection$'
tesnlist db cr,lf,' Active TES hosts:$'
tesnhost db cr,lf,'?No existing connection.'
db ' Please select a host with SET PORT TES host$'
;; pcnet values: 0 no network available at all
;; 1 network board reports itself as present
;; 2 and session is in progress
;; extrn byte pcnet is defined in msster.
portn prtinfo <0FFFH,0,defpar,1,0,defhand,floxon,0> ; port struc for PORTN
xmtbuf db nbuflen dup (0) ; network buffer for transmitter
xmtcnt dw 0 ; occupancy in current output buffer
xmtbufx db nbuflen+3 dup (0) ; external version of xmtbuf (dbl buffers)
rcvbuf db nbuflen+3 dup (0) ; network buffer for receiver
scbst struc ; Session (Network) Control Block [PCnet comp]
scb_cmd db 0 ; command code for Netbios Int 5ch
scb_err db 0 ; error return or request is pending
scb_vcid db 0 ; virtual circuit ident number
scb_num db 0 ; local name-number
scb_baddr dw 0 ; buffer address, offset
dw data ; and segment
scb_length dw 0 ; length of buffer data
scb_rname db '* ' ; remote name, 16 chars space
scb_lname db ' ' ; local name filled
db 0 ; Receive timeout (0.5 sec units), want 0
db 0 ; Send timeout (0.5 sec units), want 0
scb_post dw 0 ; interrupt driven post address, offset
dw code ; and segment
db 0 ; LAN_num (adapter #), set to zero for STARLAN
scb_done db 0 ; command complete status
; the 14 bytes below are normally 'reserved'
; STARLAN uses 5 for long/special call names
; together with STARLAN specific Int 5bh
scb_vrname dw 0,0 ; Variable length call name ptr offset,segment
scb_vrlen db 0 ; length of vrname
db 9 dup (0) ; reserved
scbst ends
rcv scbst <,,,,rcvbuf,,length rcvbuf,,,,,rpost>; declare scb for rcvr
xmt scbst <,,,,xmtbuf,,length xmtbuf,,,,,spost>; for xmtr
lsn scbst <,,,,xmtbuf,,length xmtbuf,,,,,lpost>; for server listen
can scbst <> ; for cancels
; DECnet material
decint equ 69h ; CTERM interrupt
dpresent equ 100h ; CTERM Installation check
dsend equ 101h ; CTERM send byte
dread equ 102h ; CTERM read byte
dcstat equ 103h ; CTERM status
ddstat equ 104h ; CTERM Decnet status
dopen equ 105h ; CTERM open session
dclose equ 106h ; CTERM close session
dgetscb equ 10ah ; CTERM get SCB size
latint equ 6ah ; LAT interrupt
latsend equ 1 ; LAT send byte
latread equ 2 ; LAT read byte
latstat equ 3 ; LAT status
latinfo equ 6 ; LAT get miscellaneous information
latsrv equ 0d500h ; LAT get next service name
latopen equ 0d0ffh ; LAT open
latclose equ 0d000h ; LAT close
latbreak equ 0d100h ; LAT send a BREAK
latscbget equ 0d800h ; LAT get SCB interior to LAT
latscbfree equ 0d801h ; LAT free SCB interior to LAT
latcpyems equ 0d900h ; LAT copy to/from SCB in EMS or not
decneth dw 0 ; CTERM session handle
decseg dw 0 ; segment of CTERM SCB memory block
lathand dw 0 ; LAT session handle, high byte = 0ffh
latseg dw 0 ; LAT SCB seg in our memory
latinems db 0 ; LAT SCB is in EMS, if non-zero
latversion db 4 ; LAT major version number
latscbptr dd 0 ; LAT, pointer to SCB
lcbst struc ; LAT control block structure V4
service db 17 dup (0) ; 0 service (number is offset)
db 10 dup (0) ; 17 node, for future use
lat_pwd dd 0 ; 27 password buffer ptr
pwd_len db 0 ; 31 length of the buffer
db 22 dup (0) ; 32 reserved
stopped dd 0 ; 54 session stopped post routine addr
overflow dd 0 ; 58 service table overflow post addr
xnotify dd 0 ; 62 transmit post routine addr
rnotify dd 0 ; 66 receive post routine addr
sstatus dw 0 ; 70 session status
db 270 dup (0) ; 72 reserved
slotqty db 2 ; 342 number receive data slots
slotused db 0 ; 343 number occupied slots
slotnr db 0 ; 344 index of next rcv slot to use
slotcur db 0 ; 345 index of current rcv slot
slotptr dw 0 ; 346 ptr to first received char
slottbl dw 0 ; 348 ptrs to bufs for slot 1
dw 0 ; 350 and for slot 2
slotbf1 db 259 dup (0) ; 352 first receive buffer
slotbf2 db 259 dup (0) ; 611 second receive buffer
lcbst ends ; total of 870 bytes
latservice db 17 dup (0)
latpwd db 16 dup (0),0 ; LAT password, terminator
decmsg1 db cr,lf,'Cannot create DECnet session.$'
decmsg3 db ' DECnet Error $'
decmsg4 db cr,lf,' DECnet CTERM ready$'
decmsg5 db cr,lf,' DECnet LAT ready$'
; end of DECnet
pcnet db 0 ; Network is functioning
nambuf db 65 dup (0) ; network long name storage (STARLAN)
newnambuf db 0 ; non-zero if new entry into namebuf above
internet db 4 dup (0) ; TELAPI Internet address, binary
telses dw 0 ; TELAPI session number
sposted db 0 ; send interlock, 0 if no send posted
rposted db 0 ; rcv interlock, 0 if no receive posted
lposted db 0 ; listen outstanding (if non-zero)
netdbfr db 0 ; non-zero if net board is double buffered
lnamestat db 0 ; status of local name 0 = default,
; 1 = specified by user, 2 = locked in
deflname db 'mskermit.K ' ; default local name, 16 bytes
ivt1str db 'iVT1',0 ; FGR - OpenNet VT handshake string
inettyp db 0 ; FGR - network type 'N' or 'O'
nsbrk dw 0 ; net can send Break
chkmsg1 db cr,lf,'?Cannot construct a local Kermit name, error = $'
setnbad db cr,lf,'?Local Kermit NetBIOS name is already fixed.$'
chkmsg2 db cr,lf,lf,' Name $'
chkmsg3 db ' is already in use. Please enter another of',cr,lf
setnbhlp db ' 1 - 14 letters or numbers (or nothing to quit): $'
netmsg1 db cr,lf,' Checking if our node name is unique ...$'
netmsg2 db cr,lf,' The network is active, our name is $'
netmsg3 db cr,lf,' NetBios local name: $'
netmsg4 db ' Remote host: $'
netmsg5 db cr,lf,' DECnet host: $'
netmsg6 db cr,lf,' TELAPI Internet host: $'
netmsg7 db cr,lf,' TES host name: $'
netmsg8 db cr,lf,' EBIOS server port name: $'
nonetmsg db cr,lf,'?The network is not available$'
noname db cr,lf,'?No name exists for the remote host.$'
nethlp db cr,lf,' node name of remote system,'
db cr,lf,' or press ENTER to use current name,'
db cr,lf,' or press ENTER for server mode (NetBios only).$'
dnethlp db cr,lf,' node name of remote system,'
db cr,lf,' or press ENTER to use current name,'
db cr,lf,' or * to see a list of LAT service names.$'
nethlp2 db cr,lf,' Optional LAT password, if using a LAT connection$'
dnetsrv db cr,lf,' Available LAT service names:',cr,lf,'$'
ngodset db cr,lf,' Connecting to network node: $'
nbadset db bell,cr,lf,'?Cannot reach network node: $'
recmsg db cr,lf,'?Network receive failed, status = $'
sndmsg db cr,lf,'?Network send failed, status = $'
naskpmt db cr,lf,' A network session is active.',cr,lf
db ' Enter RESUME to resume it or NEW to start a new session:',0
nettab db 2
mkeyw 'New',0
mkeyw 'Resume',1
ebbufset equ 0ffh ; EBIOS set buf mode (1=send, 2=rcv)
ebbufcnt equ 0fdh ; EBIOS get buf count (1=send, 2=rcv)
ebpace equ 0feh ; EBIOS set pacing mode (80h=send)
ebrcv equ 0fch ; EBIOS receive, no wait
ebsend equ 1 ; EBIOS send a char
ebmodem equ 0fbh ; EBIOS set modem leads
ebbreak equ 0fah ; EBIOS send a BREAK
ebcontrol equ 0f9h ; EBIOS regain control
ebredir equ 0f6h ; EBIOS do port redirection
ebquery equ 0f5h ; EBIOS get redirection info
ebpresent equ 0f4h ; EBIOS presence check
ebport dw 0 ; EBIOS equivalent serial port 0..3
ebcoms db 0,0 ; adapter (port), path( 80h=network)
db 16 dup (0) ; Call name (host)
db 16 dup (0) ; Listen name (null)
db 16 dup (0) ; local name (null = use lan adapter)
db 0 ; unique name (1 = group name)
ebhlp db 'Name of server port$'
ebmsg2 db cr,lf,'?No server port name is known,'
db ' reenter the command with a name.$'
ebmsg3 db cr,lf,'?Unable to contact that port. Error code=$'
ebiostab db 4 ; EBIOS table of local port names
mkeyw '1',1
mkeyw '2',2
mkeyw '3',3
mkeyw '4',4
tcpadrst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip address: $' ; TCP/IP status msgs
tcpsubst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip subnetmask: $'
tcpdomst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip domain: $'
tcpgatest db cr,lf,' tcp/ip gateway: $'
tcppnsst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip primary-nameserver: $'
tcpsnsst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip secondary-nameserver: $'
tcpbcstst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip broadcast: $'
tcphostst db cr,lf,' tcp/ip host: $'
tcphlp db cr,lf,'Internet name machine.domain or'
db ' Internet address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn$'
tcponptr dw ktcpstart,seg _TEXT ; far pointers to TCP start
tcpoffptr dw ktcpstop,seg _TEXT ; and stop procedures
data ends
code segment
extrn comnd:near, prompt:near, dopar:near, lclyini:near, atsclr:near
extrn strcpy:near, strlen:near,decout:near, prtasz:near, prtscr:near
extrn kbsusp:near, kbrest:near ; in msuibm.asm
extrn strcat:near, valout:near, crun:near
assume cs:code, ds:data, es:nothing
fprtasz proc far
call prtasz
fprtasz endp
; local initialization
lclini proc near
mov flags.comflg,1 ; assume COM1 for communications port
call model ; get model of IBM machine
mov lclsusp,offset suspend ; call this when suspending to DOS
mov lclrest,offset restore ; call this when returning from DOS
mov lclexit,offset finexit ; call this when exiting Kermit
call getcodep ; get Code Page ident
call lclyini ; let other modules initialize too...
lclini endp
; Call these routines when suspending Kermit to go to DOS
suspend proc near
call kbsusp ; DEC LK250 keyboard, set back to DOS mode
cmp flags.comflg,'t'; doing TCP?
je suspen1 ; e = yes, don't touch port
call ihosts ; suspend the host
mov ax,20 ; wait 20 millisec for port to finish
call pcwait
call serrst
suspend endp
; Call these routines when returning to Kermit from DOS
restore proc near
call getcodep ; reset Code Page ident
call kbrest ; DEC LK250 keyboard, set back to DEC mode
cmp flags.comflg,'t'; doing TCP?
je restor1 ; e = yes, don't touch port
call serini ; reinit serial port
call ihostr ; resume the host
restore endp
; Get the currently active Code Page ident into flags.chrset. User defined
; table overrides DOS report.
getcodep proc near
cmp flags.chrset,1 ; user-defined table in use?
je getcod1 ; e = yes
cmp flags.chrset,866 ; forced CP866 in use?
je getcod1 ; e = yes
mov flags.chrset,437 ; find default global char set
cmp dosnum,0300h+30 ; DOS version 3.30 or higher?
jb getcod1 ; b = no, no Code Pages
mov ax,6601h ; get global Code Page
int dos ; bx=active Code Page, dx=boot CP
mov flags.chrset,bx ; setup default SET FILE CHAR SET
getcodep endp
; Call these routines when doing final exit of Kermit
finexit proc near
call netclose ; close network connections
call kbsusp ; DEC LK250 keyboard, set back to DOS mode
call serrst ; reset serial port
finexit endp
; The IBM PC's. If jr then redo IBM baud rate with jr's values.
model proc near
mov isps2,0 ; PS/2 present indicator
push es
push ax ; get IBM model code at F000:FFFEh
mov ax,0f000h ; address ROM
mov es,ax
mov al,byte ptr es:[0fffeh] ; get model id byte
cmp al,0fdh ; PC jr?
jne modelx ; ne = no
push ds
pop es ; set es to data segment
mov si,offset bddat ; regular IBM baud rate table
mov di,offset jrbddat ; PCjr baud rate table
mov cl,baudlen ; number of words to copy
xor ch,ch
rep movsw ; copy PCjr values to IBM table
jmp short modelx
mov ah,0ch ; AT and PS/2 configuration call
xor al,al
int 15h ; IBM Bios
jc modelx ; c = no information
cmp word ptr es:[bx+2],040fch ; PS/2 model 50?
je model3 ; e = yes
cmp word ptr es:[bx+2],050fch ; PS/2 model 60?
je model3 ; e = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx+2],0f8h ; PS/2 model 80?
jne modelx ; ne = no
model3: mov isps2,1 ; say real PS/2 for IRQ setting
modelx: pop ax
pop es
model endp
; show the definition of a key. The terminal argument block (which contains
; the address and length of the definition tables) is passed in ax.
; Returns a string to print in AX, length of same in CX.
; Returns normally. Obsolete, name here for external reference only.
showkey proc near
ret ; return
showkey endp
code ends
code1 segment
assume cs:code1
ftcpstats proc far ; TCP/IP status display
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset tcpadrst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[0] ; offset of tcpaddress string
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcpsubst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[2] ; offset of tcp subnetmask string
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcpdomst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[4]
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcpgatest
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[6]
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcppnsst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[8]
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcpsnsst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[10]
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcpbcstst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[14]
call fprtasz
mov dx,offset tcphostst
int dos
mov dx,tcpdata[12]
call fprtasz
ftcpstats endp
code1 ends
code segment
assume cs:code
; SHOW MODEM, displays current status of lines DSR, CD, and CTS.
; Uses byte mdmhand, the modem line status register.
shomodem proc near
mov ah,cmeol ; get a confirm
call comnd
jnc shomd1a ; nc = success
shomd1a:mov dx,offset msmsg7 ; no modem status for network
call getmodem ; get modem status
mov mdmhand,al
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset msmsg1 ; modem ready msg
test mdmhand,20h ; is DSR asserted?
jz shomd1 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msmsg2 ; say not asserted
shomd1: int dos
mov dx,offset msmsg3 ; CD asserted msg
test mdmhand,80h ; CD asserted?
jz shomd2 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msmsg4 ; say not asserted
shomd2: int dos
mov dx,offset msmsg5 ; CTS asserted msg
test mdmhand,10h ; CTS asserted?
jz shomd3 ; z = no
mov dx,offset msmsg6 ; say not asserted
shomd3: mov ah,prstr
int dos
mov al,flags.comflg
cmp al,'1' ; UART?
jae shomd3c ; ae = no
add al,'0' ; COMnumber
mov msmsg8+7,al ; stuff in msg
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset msmsg8 ; show port base address
int dos
mov ax,modem.mddat ; port address
mov cx,16 ; in hex
call valout
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset msmsg9 ; and IRQ
int dos
mov ax,modem.mdintv ; interrupt vector
mov cl,al
and ax,7 ; lower three bits of IRQ
cmp cl,60h ; using cascaded 8259?
jb shomd3a ; b = no
add ax,8 ; say IRQ 8..15
shomd3a:call decout ; output as decimal
shomd3c:call ftcpstats ; call TCP/IP FAR worker
mov dx,offset netmsg3 ; local name
int dos
mov cx,16
mov di,offset deflname ; default Netbios name
call prtscr
cmp rcv.scb_lname,' ' ; have NetBios name yet?
jbe shomd4 ; be = no, skip this part
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg4 ; remote name
int dos
mov cx,16
mov di,offset rcv.scb_rname
call prtscr
shomd4: cmp latservice,0 ; DECnet name available?
je shomd5 ; e = no
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg5
int dos
mov dx,offset latservice ; network host name, asciiz
call prtasz
shomd5: cmp word ptr internet,0 ; have TELAPI Internet address?
je shomd7 ; e = no
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg6
int dos
xor bx,bx ; subscript
mov cx,4 ; four fields
shomd6: mov al,internet[bx] ; binary internet address
xor ah,ah
call decout
cmp cx,1 ; doing last field?
je shmod6a ; e = yes, no dot
mov dl,'.'
mov ah,conout
int dos
shmod6a:inc bx
loop shomd6
shomd7: cmp tesname,0 ; have TES name?
je shomd8 ; e = no
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg7
int dos
mov dx,offset tesname ; node name
call prtasz ; show, asciiz
shomd8: cmp ebcoms+2,0 ; have an EBIOS name?
je shomd9 ; e = no
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg8
int dos
mov cx,16
mov di,offset ebcoms+2 ; host port, 16 chars space filled
call prtscr
shomd9: clc
shomodem endp
; Get modem status and set global byte mdmhand. Preserve all registers.
getmodem proc near ; gets modem status upon request
cmp portin,1 ; port active?
je getmod1 ; e = yes
mov bl,flags.comflg ; pass current port ident
cmp bl,'4' ; above UART and Bios?
ja getmod1 ; a = yes, do not start the port
call comstrt ; do SET PORT command now
jnc getmod1 ; nc = success
ret ; failed to set port
getmod1:xor al,al ; assume nothing is on
cmp flags.comflg,'1' ; UART?
jae getmod2 ; ae = no
cmp flags.comflg,0 ; null port?
je getmodx ; e = yes, no status
mov dx,modem.mdstat ; hardware, line status reg
inc dx ; modem status reg
in al,dx
jmp short getmodx
getmod2:cmp flags.comflg,'4' ; above Bios? (networks)
ja getmod3 ; a = yes, no status
mov ah,3 ; ask Bios for modem status into al
push dx
mov dl,flags.comflg ; get port id
sub dl,'1' ; remove ascii bias (BIOS1 -> 0)
int rs232
pop dx
getmod3:cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; IBM EBIOS?
jne getmodx ; ne = no
mov ah,3 ; get Bios style modem status
push dx
mov dx,ebport ; current EBIOS port
int rs232
pop dx
getmodx:xor ah,ah ; return status in al
getmodem endp
; Clear the input buffer. This throws away all the characters in the
; serial interrupt buffer. This is particularly important when
; talking to servers, since NAKs can accumulate in the buffer.
; Returns normally.
mov srcpnt,offset source ; receive circular buffer
mov count,0 ; receive circular buffer
call prtchr ; empty any intermediate (net) buffers
mov srcpnt,offset source ; receive circular buffer
mov count,0 ; receive circular buffer
mov xmtcnt,0 ; network output buffer count
cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; using EBIOS?
jne clrbuf3 ; ne = no
mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
clrbuf1:mov ax,ebbufcnt*256+2 ; see if rcvr buffer has chars already
int rs232
jcxz clrbuf3 ; z = no, ok to reset buffering
mov ah,ebrcv ; do receive /nowait to clear buff
int rs232
jmp short clrbuf1 ; repeat til empty
; Clear to the end of the current line. Returns normally.
; Upgraded for Topview compatibility.
push ax
push bx
push dx
mov ah,3 ; Clear to end of line
xor bh,bh
int video ; Get current cursor position into dx
mov ax,dx ; Topview compatible clear line
mov bh,ah ; same row
mov bl,byte ptr low_rgt ; last column
call atsclr ; clear from ax to bx, screen coord
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
; This routine blanks the screen. Returns normally.
; Upgraded to Topview compatiblity.
push ax
push bx
xor ax,ax ; from screen loc 0,0
mov bx,low_rgt ; to end of text screen (lower right corner)
inc bh ; include status line
call atsclr ; do Topview compatible clear, in msyibm
pop bx
pop ax
; Locate: homes the cursor. Returns normally.
xor dx,dx ; Go to top left corner of screen
jmp poscur
; Position the cursor according to contents of DX:
; DH contains row, DL contains column. Returns normally.
push ax
push bx
mov ah,2 ; Position cursor
xor bh,bh ; page 0
int video
pop bx
pop ax
; Delete a character from the screen. This works by printing
; backspaces and spaces.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset delstr ; Erase character
int dos
; Move the cursor to the left margin, then clear to end of line.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset clrlin
int dos
jmp clearl
mov timeract,1 ; say timer chip is being used here
push ax
push cx
mov al,10110110B ; Gen a short beep (long one losses data.)
out timercmd,al ; set Timer to to mode 3
mov ax,1512 ; divisor, for frequency
out timer2data,al ; send low byte first
mov al,ah
out timer2data,al
in al,ppi_port ; get 8255 Port B setting
or al,3 ; turn on speaker and timer
out ppi_port,al ; start speaker and timer
push ax
mov ax,40 ; 40 millisecond beep, calibrated time
call pcwait
pop ax
in al,ppi_port
and al,0fch ; turn off speaker and timer
out ppi_port,al
pop cx
pop ax
mov timeract,0 ; say timer chip is no longer in use here
; write a line in inverse video at the bottom of the screen...
; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $. Returns normally.
putmod proc near
push ax ; save regs
push bx
push cx
push si
push dx ; preserve message
mov bl,scbattr ; screen attributes at Kermit init time
and bl,77h ; get colors, omit bright and blink
rol bl,1 ; interchange fore and background
rol bl,1
rol bl,1
rol bl,1
xor bh,bh ; preset page 0
mov temp,bx ; temp = page 0, reverse video
mov dx,low_rgt ; ending location is lower right corner
inc dh ; of status line
mov cx,dx ; start is status left side
xor cl,cl ; left side
mov ax,600h ; scroll to clear the line
mov bh,byte ptr temp ; set inverse video attributes
int video
mov dx,low_rgt ; last text line
inc dh ; status line
xor dl,dl ; left side
call poscur
pop si ; get message back
mov cx,1 ; only one char at a time
xor bh,bh ; page 0
putmo1: lodsb ; get a byte
cmp al,'$' ; end of string?
je putmo2
push si ; save si
push ax ; and the char
call poscur
inc dl ; increment for next write
pop ax ; recover char
mov ah,9 ; try this
mov bx,temp ; page 0, inverse video
int video
pop si ; recover pointer
cmp dl,crt_cols ; beyond physical right border?
jb putmo1 ; b = no
putmo2: pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
putmod endp
; clear the mode line written by putmod.
clrmod proc near
push ax ; save regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ax,600h ; do a scroll up
mov dx,low_rgt ; ending location is lower right corner
inc dh ; of status line
mov cx,dx ; start is status left side
xor cl,cl ; left side
mov bh,scbattr ; use screen attributes at Kermit init time
int video
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
clrmod endp
; put a help message on the screen. This one uses reverse video...
; pass the message in ax, terminated by a null.
puthlp proc near
push bx ; save regs
push cx
push dx
push si
push ax ; preserve this
mov bl,scbattr ; screen attributes at Kermit init time
and bl,77h ; get colors, omit bright and blink
rol bl,1 ; interchange fore and background
rol bl,1
rol bl,1
rol bl,1
xor bh,bh ; preset page 0
mov temp,bx ; temp = page 0, reverse video
mov si,ax ; point to it
mov dh,1 ; init counter
puthl1: lodsb ; get a byte
cmp al,lf ; linefeed?
jne puthl2 ; no, keep going
inc dh ; count it
jmp short puthl1 ; and keep looping
puthl2: or al,al ; end of string?
jnz puthl1 ; nz = no, keep going
mov ax,600h ; scroll to clear window
xor cx,cx ; from top left
mov dl,4fh ; to bottom right of needed piece
mov bh,70h ; inverse video
mov bh,bl ; inverse video
int video
call locate ; home cursor
mov bx,0070h ; bh = page 0, bl = inverse video
mov bx,temp
mov cx,1 ; one char at a time
cld ; scan direction is forward
pop si ; point to string again
puthl3: lodsb ; get a byte
or al,al ; end of string?
jz puthl4 ; z = yes, stop
push si ; save around bios call
cmp al,' ' ; printable?
jb puth21 ; b = no
mov ah,9 ; write char at current cursor position
int video ; do the Bios int 10h call
inc dl ; point to next column
jmp short puth23 ; move cursor there
puth21: cmp al,cr ; carriage return?
jne puth22 ; ne = no
xor dl,dl ; set to column zero
jmp short puth23
puth22: cmp al,lf ; line feed?
jne puth23
inc dh ; go to next line
puth23: mov ah,2 ; set cursor position to dx
int video
pop si ; restore pointer
jmp short puthl3 ; and keep going
puthl4: mov dh,byte ptr low_rgt+1 ; go to last line
inc dh
xor dl,dl
call poscur ; position cursor
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
puthlp endp
; Compute number of iterations needed in procedure pcwait inner loop
; to do one millisecond delay increments. Uses Intel 8253/8254 timer chip
; (timer #2) to measure elapsed time assuming 1.193182 MHz clock.
; Called by serini below. For IBM PC compatible machines.
; Regs preserved. 16 April 87 and 4 July 1991 [jrd]
pcwtst proc near
push cx
mov cx,5 ; number of tests to perform
pcwtst1:call pcwtst2 ; do the test and new pcwcnt calculation
loop pcwtst1 ; repeat several times for convergence
pop cx
pcwtst2:push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
in al,ppi_port ; 8255 chip port B, 61h
and al,0fch ; speaker off (bit 1), stop timer (bit 0)
out ppi_port,al ; do it
; 10 = timer 2, 11 = load low byte then high byte, 010 = mode 2, 0 = binary
mov al,10110100B ; command byte
out timercmd,al ; timer command port, 43h
xor al,al ; clear initial count for count-down
out timer2data,al ; low order byte of count preset, to port 42h
out timer2data,al ; high order byte, to the same place
in al,ppi_port ; get 8255 setting
mov dl,al ; remember it in dl
and al,0fch ; clear our control bits
or al,1 ; start counter now (Gate = 1, speaker is off)
out ppi_port,al ; do it, OUT goes low
; this is the test loop
mov ax,8 ; wait 8 millisec
call pcwait ; call the software timer
; end test loop
mov al,dl ; restore ppi port, stop timer
out ppi_port,al
in al,timer2data ; read count down value
xchg al,ah ; save low order byte
in al,timer2data ; get high order byte
xchg ah,al ; put in correct sequence
neg ax ; subtract from zero to get elapsed tics
mov bx,ax ; save observed tics
mov ax,pcwcnt ; current pcwcnt value
; new pcwcnt= old pcwcnt * [1193(tics/ms) / (observed tics / loops)]
mov cx,8*1193
mul cx
or bx,bx ; zero observed tics?
jz pcwtst3 ; z = yes, divide by one
div bx ; divided by observed tics
pcwtst3:mov pcwcnt,ax ; store quotient as new inner loop counter
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pcwtst endp
;; Wait for the # of milliseconds in ax, for non-IBM compatibles.
;; Thanks to Bernie Eiben for this one. Modified to use adjustable
; inner loop counter (pcwcnt, adjusted by proc pcwtst) by [jrd].
pcwait proc near
push cx
pcwai0: mov cx,pcwcnt ; inner loop counter for 1 ms (240 @ 4.77 MHz)
pcwai1: sub cx,1 ; inner loop takes 20 clock cycles
jnz pcwai1
dec ax ; outer loop counter
jnz pcwai0 ; wait another millisecond
pop cx
pcwait endp
; set the current port.
; Note: serial port addresses are found by looking in memory at 40:00h and
; following three words for COM1..4, resp. All UARTS are assumed to follow
; std IBM addresses relative to 03f8h for COM1, and actual address are offset
; from value found in segment 40h. Global byte flags.comflg is 1,2,3,4 for
; COM1..4, and is 'N' for NetBios, etc.
; 'O' is for Intel Opennet Network (FGR)
; If address 02f8h is found in 40:00h then name COM1 is retained but COM2
; addressing is used to access the UART and a notice is displayed. IRQ 3
; or IRQ 4 is sensed automatically for any COMx port.
mov dx,offset comptab ; table of legal comms ports
xor bx,bx ; no extra help text
mov ah,cmkey ; parse key word
call comnd
jnc coms0a ; nc = success
ret ; failure
coms0a: cmp bl,'4' ; networks?
ja comstrt ; a = yes
mov ah,cmeol ; non-network
push bx
call comnd ; get a confirm
pop bx
jnc comstrt ; nc = success
ret ; failure
COMSTRT:mov temp,bx ; port ident is in BL
cmp bl,'N' ; NetBios network?
jne comst2a ; ne = no
jmp comsn ; yes, get another item for networks
comst2a:cmp bl,'O' ; Opennet network?
jne comst2 ; ne = no
jmp comso ; yes, get another item for networks
comst2: cmp bl,'U' ; Ungermann Bass net?
jne comst3 ; ne = no
jmp comsub
comst3: cmp bl,'D' ; DECnet?
jne comst4 ; ne = no
jmp comsd ; do DECnet startup
comst4: cmp bl,'E' ; IBM EBIOS?
jne comst4a ; ne = no
jmp comse ; do EBIOS checkup
comst4a:cmp bl,'W' ; Novell NASI?
jne comst5 ; ne = no
jmp comsub
comst5: cmp bl,'C' ; 3Com BAPI?
jne comst5a ; ne = no
jmp comsbapi
comst5a:cmp bl,'T' ; Novell TELAPI
jne comst5b ; ne = no
jmp comstelapi
comst5b:cmp bl,'I' ; TES?
jne comst5b1 ; ne = no
jmp comstes
comst5b1:cmp bl,'t' ; Telnet, internal?
jne comst5c ; ne = no
jmp comstn
comst5c:cmp flags.comflg,'N' ; have been running on NetBios?
je coms1c ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; how about EBIOS?
je coms1c ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; have been running on Opennet?
jne coms2 ; ne = no
; stop sources of NetBios interrupts
coms1c: mov bx,offset can ; cancel outstanding requests
mov can.scb_cmd,ncancel ; set cancel op code
cmp lposted,1 ; listen outstanding?
jne coms1a ; ne = no
mov can.scb_baddr,offset lsn ; cancel listen
call session
mov lposted,0
coms1a: cmp rposted,1 ; receive outstanding?
mov rposted,0 ; clear interlock flag no matter what
jne coms2 ; ne = no
mov can.scb_baddr,offset rcv ; cancel receive
call session
coms2: call serrst ; close current comms port
mov al,byte ptr temp ; get COMx (1-4)
mov flags.comflg,al ; remember port ident
cmp al,'1' ; Bios?
jb coms2a ; b = no, hardware
sub al,'0' ; remove ascii bias for portinfo
coms2a: dec al
xor ah,ah ; count ports from 0
push bx ; set port structure
mov bx,type prtinfo ; size of each portinfo structure
mul bl ; times port number
pop bx ; restore register
add ax,offset port1 ; plus start of COM1
mov portval,ax ; points to our current port struct
cmp flags.comflg,'1' ; Bios path?
jb coms4 ; b = no, check hardware
add ax,offset portb1-offset port1 ; correct to use Bios ports
mov portval,ax
coms4: cmp portin,-1 ; serial port touched yet?
jne coms4a ; ne = yes, else avoid init looping
mov portin,0 ; say serial port is being touched
coms4a: push bx ; save register
push es
mov ax,40h ; look at RS232_base [bx] in Bios area 40:00h
mov es,ax
mov bx,temp ; get desired port
xor bh,bh
dec bl ; count com1 as bl = 0, etc
shl bx,1 ; make bx a word index
mov ax,es:[bx] ; get modem base address into ax
pop es
pop bx
or ax,ax ; is address zero?
je comsnh ; e = yes, no serial port hardware
comsc: ; hardware tests
mov modem.mddat,ax ; set base address (also data address) 03f8h
add ax,2
mov modem.mdiir,ax ; interrupt identification reg 03fah
inc ax ; increment to command port 03fbh
mov modem.mdcom,ax ; set line control register address
add ax,2 ; increment to status port 03fdh
mov modem.mdstat,ax ; set line-status port address
call chkport ; get type of UART support
jc comsnu ; c = not a real 8250 class UART
call chkint ; find IRQ for the port
jc comsnu ; c = not found, an error condition
ret ; success
comsnh: mov ah,prstr ; no port address for hardware
mov dx,offset badprt
int dos
; no port address or no UART or no IRQ
comsnu: mov ah,prstr ; tell user about Bios pathway
mov dx,offset biosmsg
int dos
mov dl,byte ptr temp ; selected hardware port
add dl,'0' ; map to Bios
mov flags.comflg,dl
mov ah,conout ; say port number
int dos
stc ; say error
; Opennet Network support (FGR)
comso: mov inettyp,'O' ; remember OpenNet type network
jmp short comso2 ; do generic network code
; NetBios Network support
comsn: mov inettyp,'N' ; remember Netbios type network
comso2: mov ah,cmword ; get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset nethlp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name, ignore errors
mov newnambuf,al ; save number of chars entered
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
jc comsn2 ; c = failure
call serrst ; reset serial port
cmp newnambuf,0 ; any name given?
je comsn1 ; e = no, use current name
mov si,offset decbuf
mov di,offset nambuf ; copy to here
call strcpy
comsn1: call chknet ; start network usage
jc comsn2 ; c = failed
cmp pcnet,0 ; is network alive (non-zero)?
jne comsn4 ; ne = yes
comsn2: stc
ret ; failure
comsn4: mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port structure address
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov al,inettyp ; FGR - get saved network type
mov flags.comflg,al ; Set the Netbios port flag
call chkport ; set type of port support
clc ; return success
ret ; End NetBios
; Ungermann-Bass terminal port [ohl +]
comsub: push bx ; save net type U or W
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
jc comsub0 ; c = failure
call serrst ; reset serial port
call chkub ; check UB network presence
pop bx ; recover net type U or W
jnc comsub1 ; nc = present
comsub0:ret ; return failure
comsub1:mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov flags.comflg,bl ; set the comm port flag
mov pcnet,2 ; network is present and active
clc ; return success
ret ; End Ungermann Bass / Novell NASI
; DECnet
comsd: mov ah,cmword ; get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset dnethlp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name
mov temp,ax ; save number of chars entered
mov ah,cmword ; get optional LAT service name
mov dx,offset decbuf+80 ; work near end of this buffer
mov word ptr decbuf+80,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset nethlp2 ; help message
mov comand.cmblen,16 ; length of buffer (password = 16 chr)
call comnd ; get the name, ignore if absent
mov decbuf+79,al ; store byte count in name here
mov comand.cmblen,0 ; length of buffer back to normal
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
jnc comsd3
ret ; did not get a confirm
comsd3: cmp temp,0 ; any node name?
je comsd8 ; e = no, assume preestablished
cmp decbuf,'*' ; just show LAT names?
jne comsd4 ; ne = no
call chkdec ; see if network is available
jc comsd3a ; c = no, no net available
and nettype,not decnet ; remove CTERM indicator
test nettype,declat ; LAT type present?
jz comsd3a ; z = no
call latlst ; show LAT names
and nettype,not declat ; remove this indicator
clc ; success but do not make connection
comsd3a:mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say net is not available
int dos
; put name in uppercase, strip '::'
comsd4: mov si,offset decbuf ; the node name, make upper case
mov cx,temp ; length of node name
add si,cx ; and add '::' if absent
cmp byte ptr [si-1],':' ; ended on colon?
jne comsd5 ; ne = no
dec cx ; remove it
cmp byte ptr [si-2],':' ; first colon present?
jne comsd5 ; e = yes
dec cx ; remove it
comsd5: mov si,offset decbuf ; uppercase and copy name
mov di,offset latservice ; to this structure
jcxz comsd7a ; z = empty name
comsd6: lodsb ; si = new node name
cmp al,'a' ; in lower case?
jb comsd7 ; b = no
cmp al,'z' ; in lower case?
ja comsd7 ; a = no
and al,not 20h ; convert to upper case
comsd7: stosb
loop comsd6
comsd7a:mov byte ptr [di],0 ; terminate latservice name
mov si,offset decbuf+80 ; LAT password
mov di,offset latpwd ; where it will reside
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; clear password now
call strcpy ; copy it, asciiz
mov cl,decbuf+79 ; length of name
xor ch,ch
add di,cx ; point to trailer
sub cx,16 ; max chars in password
jle comsd8 ; le = filled now, or no password
mov al,' ' ; make it space filled
push ds
pop es
rep stosb ; fill in spaces
comsd8: call chkdec ; see if network is available
jnc comsd9 ; nc = yes, it is
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say net is not available
int dos
comsd9: mov ah,prstr
test nettype,decnet ; starting CTERM?
jz comsd9a ; z = no
mov dx,offset decmsg4 ; assume CTERM
int dos
comsd9a:test nettype,declat ; LAT too?
jz comsd9b ; z = no
mov dx,offset decmsg5 ; say LAT connection is ready
int dos
comsd9b:cmp pcnet,2 ; session active?
jb comsd10 ; b = no, start a new one
call chknew ; session exists, Resume or start new?
jc comsd11 ; c = resume
call nethangup ; hangup current session
comsd10:call serrst ; reset serial port
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
mov flags.comflg,'D' ; set the comm port flag
mov portin,0 ; say have tested a port
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready yet
ret ; end of DECnet
comsbapi:mov ah,bapihere ; 3Com BAPI presence check
xor al,al
mov bx,0aaaah ; undocumented magic
int bapiint
cmp ax,0af01h ; signature
jne comsbap1 ; ne = not present
call serrst ; close current port
mov ah,bapieecm ; disable Enter Command Mode char
xor al,al
int bapiint
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
or nettype,bapi ; indentify network type
mov flags.comflg,'C' ; set the comm port flag
mov pcnet,2 ; network is present and active
clc ; success
comsbap1:mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say no network
int dos
comsbap3:stc ; say failure
ret ; end 3Com BAPI
comse: mov dx,offset ebiostab ; table of EBIOS ports
xor bx,bx
mov ah,cmkey
call comnd
jnc comse1 ; nc = success
; failure is ok, fails for GETBAUD etc calling comstrt
mov bx,ebport ; use current port
inc bx ; here count from 1
comse1: push bx
mov ah,cmword ; get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset ebhlp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
pop bx
jnc comse7
ret ; c = failure
comse7: dec bx ; count from 0
mov ebport,bx ; port number 0..3
call chkbios ; EBIOS presence check
jnc comse7a ; nc = success
jmp comsex ; c = failure
comse7a:push es
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx
mov bx,offset ebcoms ; es:bx to ebcoms address
mov dx,ebport ; port number
mov cx,51 ; number of bytes in ebcoms
mov ah,ebquery ; get redirection table info
int rs232
mov ebcoms,0 ; query puts ebport in LANA, clear it
cmp decbuf,0 ; any new name given?
je comse4 ; e = no, presume name exists in EBIOS
mov si,offset decbuf ; user input
mov di,offset ebcoms+2 ; where to store it
mov cx,16 ; 16 char NetBios name
comse2: lodsb ; get a new char
or al,al ; null terminator?
jne comse3 ; ne = no, use it
mov al,' ' ; replace with space
rep stosb ; do remaining spots
jmp short comse3b ; carry on when done
comse3: cmp al,60h ; lower case?
jb comse3a ; b = no
;; and al,not 20h ; lower to upper case
comse3a:stosb ; store it
loop comse2
call setnbname ; setup local Netbios name
jc comse4
mov si,ds
mov es,si
mov ebcoms+2+16,0 ; no Listen required, just a Call
mov cx,8
mov si,offset deflname ; our Netbios name
mov di,offset ebcoms+2+16+16
rep movsw
comse4: mov bx,offset ebcoms ; es:bx to ebcoms structure
mov ebcoms+1,80h ; force a network connection
mov ah,ebredir ; do redirection
xor al,al
mov dx,ebport
int rs232
or ax,ax
jz comse5 ; ax = 0 is success
push ax
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset ebmsg3 ; cannot open network
int dos
pop ax
xchg ah,al
xor ah,ah
call decout
pop es
comse5: pop es
cmp ebcoms+2,' ' ; do we have a name?
ja comse6 ; a = yes
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset ebmsg2 ; say bad command
int dos
stc ; fail
comse6: call serrst ; reset previous port
mov bx,offset portb1 ; use Bios data structure
mov ax,type prtinfo ; portinfo item size
mov cx,ebport ; actual port (0..3)
mul cx ; times port
add bx,ax ; new portb<n> offset
mov portval,bx
mov [bx].portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
or nettype,ebios ; indentify network type
mov flags.comflg,'E' ; say EBIOS
mov portin,0 ; say port has been touched
mov pcnet,1
clc ; success
comsex: mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say network is not available
mov ah,prstr
int dos
comsex1:stc ; failure
comstelapi: ; Novell TELAPI
mov ah,cmword ; get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset telhlp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
jnc comstel1 ; nc = ok so far
ret ; did not get a confirm
comstel1:cmp decbuf,0 ; got new address?
jne comstel2 ; ne = yes
cmp word ptr internet,0 ; have we a previous address?
jne comstel6 ; ne = yes, use it instead
jmp short comstel5 ; no address, say illegal
comstel2:cmp portin,0 ; inited port yet?
jl comstel8 ; l = no
test nettype,telapi ; already doing TELAPI?
jz comstel7 ; z = no
call chknew ; ask Resume or New
jc comstel6 ; c = Resume
comstel7:call nethangup ; hangup that connection
comstel8:xor bx,bx ; convert Internet address to binary
xor dx,dx ; Internet field in dl, as a temp
mov word ptr internet,dx ; clear Internet address
mov word ptr internet+2,dx
mov si,offset decbuf ; fresh text
comstel3:lodsb ; get ascii digit
cmp al,'.' ; separator?
jne comstel4 ; ne = no
inc bx ; next field
cmp bx,3 ; beyond last field
ja comstel5 ; a = yes, error
jmp short comstel3
comstel4:or al,al ; end of information?
jz comstel6 ; z = yes
sub al,'0' ; strip ascii bias
cmp al,9 ; in digits?
ja comstel5 ; a = no
mov dl,internet[bx] ; current field
xor dh,dh
shl dx,1 ; times two
push dx ; save
shl dx,1 ; times four
shl dx,1 ; times eight
pop cx ; recover times two
add dx,cx ; plus two = times ten
add al,dl ; plus current digit
mov internet[bx],al ; save value
jmp short comstel3 ; next character
comstel5:mov ah,prstr ; say bad address construction
mov dx,offset telmsg1
int dos
mov dx,offset decbuf ; show address
call prtasz
comstel6:call serrst ; end previous async session
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
or nettype,telapi ; indentify network type
mov flags.comflg,'T' ; set the comm port flag
comstes:mov ah,cmword ; TES get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov comand.cmblen,49 ; length of buffer
mov bx,offset teshelp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name
mov temp,ax ; save number of chars entered
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd
mov comand.cmblen,0 ; length of buffer back to normal
jnc comstes1
comstes1:mov cx,0ffffh ; TES presence check
mov ah,tesinstal ; installation/status check
call tes_service
jc comstes2 ; c = error of some kind
cmp ax,'TE' ; signature
jne comstes2 ; ne = not present
cmp cx,0ffffh ; should change too
jne comstes3 ; ne = present
comstes2:mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say no network
int dos
stc ; say failure
ret ; end TES
comstes3:mov tesport,dx ; remember TES intercepted port
call serrst ; close current port
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
or nettype,tes ; indentify network type
mov flags.comflg,'I' ; set the comm port flag
cmp decbuf,'*' ; was show-all entered?
jne comstes4 ; ne = no
jmp teshosts ; show known TES hosts
comstes4:mov ax,temp ; length of entered name
or al,tesname ; plus preexisting name, if any
or ax,ax ; anything present?
jz comstes9 ; z = no name, find existing session
cmp decbuf,0 ; anything to copy?
je comstes5 ; e = no, use existing name
call nethangup ; hangup existing connection
mov si,offset decbuf
mov di,offset tesname
call strcpy ; copy node name
comstes9:mov tesses,1 ; search for an active/held session
comstes10:call tesstate ; get state of that session to AH
test ah,2 ; active?
jnz comstes12 ; nz = yes, use it
inc tesses ; next session
cmp tesses,9 ; done all?
jbe comstes10 ; be = no
mov tesses,1 ; try for a held session
comstes11:call tesstate ; get state of that session to AH
test ah,1 ; on hold?
jnz comstes12 ; nz = yes, use it
inc tesses ; next session
cmp tesses,9 ; done all?
jbe comstes11 ; be = no
mov tesses,0 ; say no session
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset tesnhost ; give directions
int dos
call teshosts ; show known hosts
comstn: mov ah,cmword ; get a word (remote node name)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,0 ; insert terminator
mov bx,offset tcphlp ; help message
call comnd ; get the name
push ax ; save byte count
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
pop ax
jnc comstn1 ; nc = ok so far
ret ; did not get a confirm
comstn1:mov si,offset decbuf
mov di,offset tcphost
or ax,ax ; anything new given?
jnz comstn2 ; nz = yes, copy it
cmp byte ptr [di],0 ; have a name already?
jnz comstn3 ; nz = yes
stc ; return failure (no host name)
comstn2:test nettype,tcpnet ; is there an active tcp session?
jz comstn2a ; z = no
call chknew ; ask about new/old connection
jc comstn3 ; c = resume old
call tcpclose ; end old session
comstn2a:mov byte ptr [di+32],0 ; force termination
call strcpy
comstn3:call serrst ; close current port
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
mov flags.comflg,'t' ; what we want, may not have yet
mov nsbrk,1 ; network BREAK supported
mov portin,0
teshosts proc near ; TES, show list of hosts
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset tesnlist ; show list of hosts
int dos
push es
push si
mov ah,tesgets ; get TES known servers
call tes_service ; cx gets qty
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov word ptr decbuf,' ' ; item spacing
xor di,di ; line length counter
or cx,cx ; any servers?
jnz teshost1 ; nz = some servers
inc cx ; say one for loop
push cx
mov word ptr decbuf+2,'ON' ; prefill with NONE
mov word ptr decbuf+4,'EN'
mov decbuf+6,0 ; asciiz
mov cx,6 ; length of " NONE"
jmp short teshost3 ; show NONE
teshost1:push cx ; count of servers
push si ; save master list pointer
push di
mov si,es:[si] ; get offset of first name
mov di,dx ; decbuf
add di,2 ; move into decbuf+2
teshost2:mov al,es:[si] ; get name char
inc si
mov [di],al ; store name char
inc di
or al,al ; at end?
jnz teshost2 ; nz = no
pop di
pop si ; master list of offsets
add si,2 ; next item in list
call strlen ; get length of name w/spaces
add di,cx ; length of display line with name
cmp di,60 ; time to break line?
jbe teshost3 ; be = no
push dx
mov ah,prstr ; break the screen line
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
pop dx
xor di,di ; say line is empty
teshost3:add di,cx ; current line length
call prtasz ; show asciiz text at ds:dx
pop cx
loop teshost1 ; do all entries
pop si
pop es
teshosts endp
; Perform TES function given in AH, but tell cmd interpreter to not prompt.
tes_service proc near
push ax
push si
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov si,offset tesquiet ; cmd to say no prompting
xor al,al ; no visible response please
mov ah,tesexec
int rs232
pop es
pop si
pop ax
int rs232 ; do the main request
tes_service endp
; TES - start or resume a TES connection
tesstrt proc near
cmp tesses,0 ; session yet?
jne tesstr2 ; ne = yes
cmp tesname,0 ; have a node name?
jne tesstr1 ; ne = yes
jmp tesstr4 ; find an existing connection, if any
tesstr1:push si
mov si,offset tesname ; node name
mov ah,tesnews ; make a new session
call tes_service
pop si
jmp short tesstr4 ; double check on transistions
; have a session, live or held
tesstr2:call tesstate ; get session status
test ah,2 ; active or being made so?
jnz tesstr3 ; nz = yes, connect to it
test ah,1 ; session on hold or being made so?
jz tesstr1 ; z = no, make a new one
mov ah,tesresume ; resume a session
mov al,tesses ; the session number
call tes_service
shl ah,1 ; get status into carry bit
jc tesstr4 ; c = problem, try to recover
tesstr3:cmp tesname,0 ; have name yet?
je tesstr4 ; e = no, get it now
mov pcnet,2 ; have an active session
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say port is ready
tesstr4:push si ; find an active session number
push es
mov temp,0 ; retry counter
mov tesses,1 ; session number
tesstr5:mov ah,teslist ; get TES session pointers
call tes_service ; CX gets quantity of ACTIVE sessions
tesstr6:mov al,es:[si] ; get session status
cmp al,82h ; making a session now?
je tesstr7 ; e = yes, good enough
test al,80h ; in transitional status?
jz tesstr6b ; z = no
mov ah,100
call pcwait ; wait 100 ms
inc temp
cmp temp,10
ja tesstr6a ; a = too many retries, quit
jmp short tesstr5 ; nz = yes, go around again
tesstr6b:mov temp,0 ; clear retry counter
test al,2 ; 0=inactive, 1=on hold, 2=active?
jnz tesstr7 ; nz = active
add si,3 ; skip status byte, name offset
inc tesses ; bump session number
cmp tesses,9 ; done all?
jbe tesstr6 ; be = no
tesstr6a:mov tesses,0 ; no active session
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready
mov pcnet,1 ; network is present and inactive
stc ; signal failure
jmp short tesstr8
; set port ready, get host name
tesstr7:mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov pcnet,2 ; network is present and active
mov di,offset tesname ; readback asciiz name
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; clear the name field
mov si,es:[si+1] ; get name ptr offset
or si,si ; check for null pointer
jz tesstr6a ; z = no name, dead session
mov cx,49 ; limit to 48 chars plus null
tesstr7a:mov al,es:[si] ; get a char
inc si
mov [di],al ; store
inc di
or al,al ; null?
jz tesstr7b ; z = yes, stop here
loop tesstr7a ; keep going
tesstr7b:clc ; signal success
tesstr8:pop es
pop si
tesstrt endp
; TES. Return session status in AH for session in tesses. Destroys AX
tesstate proc near
push cx
push si
push es
mov ah,teslist ; get session list
call tes_service
mov ah,0ffh ; set up no session status
mov al,tesses ; our session number, 1..9
dec al ; base on zero here
mov ah,al
shl ah,1
add al,ah
xor ah,ah ; times three
add si,ax ; point to session structure es:[si]
mov ah,es:[si] ; get session status byte
testat1:pop es
pop si
pop cx
tesstate endp
; Start Novell TELAPI session. Internet address is already binary
telstrt proc near
mov dx,word ptr internet ; internet address, high part
mov cx,word ptr internet+2
mov bx,telport ; Telnet port (23 decimal)
push es
push si
xor si,si ; use TELAPI data structures, not ours
mov es,si ; es:si = Telnet state record, theirs
mov di,offset telhostid ; two byte host identifier in ds:di
mov ah,telopen ; open the connection
int rs232
mov telses,ax ; save TELAPI session number
pop si
pop es
or ax,ax ; get status returned in AX
jns telstr1 ; ns = success
cmp ax,telinuse ; socket is already connected? (-56)
jne telstr2 ; ne = no, else attach to it
telstr1:mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov pcnet,2 ; network is present and active
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov si,offset teloption ; es:si = Option data structure
mov word ptr [si],0 ; clear the numeric fields
mov word ptr [si+2],0
mov cx,2 ; set Binary Option, no data
mov bx,telses ; session
mov ah,telioctl ; ioctl to do it
int rs232
mov ax,100 ; wait 100 ms for options to settle
call pcwait
mov telstate,0 ; forget old char/line mode state
pop es
clc ; success
; failure message display section
telstr2:mov dx,offset telmsg51 ; network unreachable
cmp ax,telunreac ; correct?
je telstr3 ; e = yes
mov dx,offset telmsg56 ; socket in use
cmp ax,telinuse
je telstr3
mov dx,offset telmsg60 ; timeout on connection attempt
cmp ax,teltmo
je telstr3
mov dx,offset telmsg61 ; connection refused
cmp ax,telrefuse
je telstr3
mov dx,offset telmsg64 ; host is down
cmp ax,teldwnhost
je telstr3
mov dx,offset telmsg67 ; unknown host
cmp ax,telunkhost
je telstr3
mov dx,offset telmsg301 ; no more space
cmp ax,telfull
je telstr3
push ax ; unknown error, show error value
mov dx,offset telmsg2
mov ah,prstr
int dos
pop ax
neg ax ; make positive number again
call decout ; show error value, for now
jmp short telstr4
telstr3:mov ah,prstr
int dos ; show reason msg
telstr4:mov ax,3000 ; show for three seconds
call pcwait
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say port is not ready
stc ; fail
telstrt endp
; Check for presence of DECNET. Host name is in latservice.
; Try LAT then try CTERM. Sets nettype for kind found.
; Return carry clear if success, or carry set if failure.
chkdec proc near
cmp pcnet,2 ; net active now?
jb chkde2 ; b = no
cmp lathand,0 ; valid LAT handle?
jne chkde1 ; ne = yes
cmp decneth,0 ; valid LAT handle?
je chkde2 ; e = invalid handle
chkde1: clc
ret ; return to active session
chkde2: push es
and nettype,not (declat+decnet) ; clear network type bits
mov al,latint ; LAT interrupt 6Ah
mov ah,35h ; get vector to es:bx
int dos
mov ax,es
or ax,ax ; undefined interrupt?
jz chkde3 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points at IRET?
je chkde3 ; e = yes, not installed
cmp word ptr es:[bx-3],'AL' ; preceeding 3 bytes spell 'LAT'?
jne chkde3 ; ne = no, so no LAT, try CTERM
cmp byte ptr es:[bx-1],'T'
jne chkde3 ; ne = no, try CTERM
or nettype,declat ; kind of network is LAT
mov latinems,0 ; assume LAT is not in EMS
mov latversion,2 ; say version 2
cmp byte ptr es:[bx-4],10 ; minor version number, reasonable?
jae chkde3 ; ae = no, say version 2
mov latversion,4 ; say version 4
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov bx,offset rdbuf ; temp work buffer
mov cx,20 ; say 20 bytes is plenty
mov dh,0ffh
mov ah,latinfo ; get misc info
xor al,al ; LAT bug remover
int latint
test ah,80h ; failure?
jnz chkde3 ; e = yes
cmp rdbuf+2,1 ; is LAT in EMS?
jne chkde3 ; ne = no
mov latinems,1 ; say LAT is in EMS
; now do CTERM too
chkde3: mov al,decint ; CTERM interrupt 69h
mov ah,35h ; get vector to es:bx
int dos
mov ax,es
or ax,ax ; undefined interrupt?
jz chkde4 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points at IRET?
je chkde4 ; e = yes
mov ax,dpresent ; CTERM installation call
int decint
cmp al,0ffh ; CTERM installed?
jne chkde4 ; ne = no
or nettype,decnet ; kind of network is CTERM
chkde4: pop es
test nettype,declat+decnet ; any DEC network found?
jz chkde5 ; z = no
clc ; clear means yes
chkde5: stc ; status is no net
chkdec endp
; Start DECNET link. Host name is in latservice, nettype has LAT or CTERM
; kind bits. Return carry clear if success, or carry set if failure.
decstrt proc near
cmp pcnet,2 ; net active now?
jb decst2 ; b = no
cmp lathand,0 ; invalid LAT handle?
jne decst1 ; ne = no, have a connection
cmp decneth,0 ; invalid CTERM handle?
je decst2 ; e = yes, start the net
decst1: mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port data structure address
mov flags.comflg,'D' ; set the comm port flag
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
ret ; return to active session
decst2: push es ; used a lot here
call chkdec ; get net type
jnc decst3 ; nc = have a CTERM or LAT kind
jmp decst16 ; c = net not found
decst3: cmp latservice,0 ; node name present?
jne decst4 ; ne = yes
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset noname ; say host name is required
int dos
pop es
stc ; fail
decst4: test nettype,declat ; LAT is available?
jnz decst5 ; nz = yes
jmp decst13 ; z = no, try CTERM
decst5: and nettype,not declat ; presume failure
cmp latversion,4 ; version 4?
jb decst6 ; b = no, earlier, do our own SCB
mov ax,latscbget ; get LAT interior SCB addr to es:bx
mov dh,0ffh
int latint
or ah,ah ; success?
jnz decst6 ; nz = no
mov ax,es
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,ax ; address of SCB within LAT
mov word ptr latscbptr,bx
jmp short decst8 ; go setup structure with ax:bx
decst6: cmp word ptr latscbptr+2,0 ; any segment allocated now?
jne decst8 ; ne = yes, do not malloc one here
cmp tv_mode,0 ; running under Windows or DV?
je decst6a ; e = no, ok to try local SCB
jmp decst12b ; can't use local so no LAT today
decst6a:mov bx,870+15 ; size of LAT SCB, bytes, rounded up
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl ; bytes to paragraphs
mov temp,bx ; save requested paragraphs
mov ah,alloc ; allocate memory, ax gets segment
int dos ; bx gets # paragraphs allocated
jnc decst7 ; nc = success
jmp decst13 ; fail, go try CTERM
decst7: mov latseg,ax
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,ax ; remember seg of SCB
mov es,ax
xor di,di ; es:di is destination
xor ax,ax ; get word of zeros
mov word ptr latscbptr+0,ax ; remember offset (0) of SCB
mov cx,bx ; paragraphs obtained
shl cx,1
shl cx,1
shl cx,1 ; words
rep stosw ; clear the SCB
cmp temp,bx ; wanted vs allocated (bx) paragraphs
jbe decst8 ; be = enough, setup structure
jmp decst12 ; deallocate memory and try CTERM
decst8: les bx,latscbptr
mov es:[bx].slottbl,slotbf1 ; offset of first buffer
mov es:[bx].slottbl+2,slotbf2 ; offset of second buffer
mov es:[bx].slotqty,2 ; say two buffers
decst9: les di,latscbptr ; set es:di to SCB
mov si,offset latservice ; get host name
mov cx,17 ; 17 bytes
rep movsb ; insert host name
mov ax,latopen ; open a LAT session
mov di,offset latpwd ; es:di optional asciiz LAT password
cmp byte ptr [di],0 ; any name entered?
je decst10 ; e = no
and al,0fh ; open as AX = 0d0fh if with password
decst10:cmp latversion,4 ; LAT version 4?
jb decst11 ; b = no, use version 2
mov al,1 ; v4 form
mov bx,word ptr latscbptr ; SCB
mov cx,ds
mov word ptr es:[bx].lat_pwd+2,cx ; set the pointer segment
mov word ptr es:[bx].lat_pwd,di ; address of the password buffer
mov dx,di
call strlen ; password string length to cx
mov es:[bx].pwd_len,cl ; length of the password
or cx,cx ; is there a password?
jnz decst11 ; nz = yes
mov word ptr es:[bx].lat_pwd,cx ; no, clear fields
mov word ptr es:[bx].lat_pwd+2,cx
mov byte ptr es:[bx].pwd_len,cl
decst11:mov bx,word ptr latscbptr ; open needs es:bx == SCB
mov dh,0ffh
int latint
or ah,ah ; status byte
jnz decst12 ; nz = failure, clean up, try CTERM
mov dh,0ffh
mov lathand,dx ; handle returned in dl, 0ffh in dh
or nettype,declat ; say LAT session is active
jmp decst17 ; finish startup info
; LAT startup failure
decst12:mov ax,latseg ; stored segment of memory block
or ax,ax ; did we use it?
jz decst12a ; z = no
mov es,ax ; allocated segment, unneed now
mov ah,freemem ; free it again
int dos
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,0 ; clear pointer for test below
decst12a:cmp word ptr latscbptr+2,0 ; in use as LAT internal perhaps?
je decst12b ; e = no
les bx,latscbptr
mov ax,latscbfree ; free internal LAT SCB
int latint
decst12b:xor ax,ax
mov latseg,ax ; say not used
mov lathand,ax ; invalidate the handle
mov word ptr latscbptr+0,ax ; clear SCB pointer
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,ax
and nettype,not declat ; fall through to try CTERM
decst13:test nettype,decnet ; is CTERM available?
jz decst16 ; z = no
and nettype,not decnet ; presume failure
mov ax,decseg ; scb memory segment, if non-zero
or ax,ax ; allocated already?
jnz decst14 ; nz = yes, segment is in ax
mov ax,dgetscb ; get CTERM SCB size
int decint
add ax,15 ; round up byte count
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl ; bytes to paragraphs
mov bx,ax
mov temp,ax ; save requested paragraphs
mov ah,alloc ; allocate memory
int dos ; bx gets # paragraphs allocated
jc decst16 ; c = failure
mov decseg,ax ; store address of memory block
cmp temp,bx ; wanted vs allocated paragraphs
jb decst15 ; b = not enough, fail
decst14:mov bx,offset latservice ; ds:bx = node name
mov es,ax ; ax holds scb segment
xor dx,dx ; es:dx = SCB address
mov ax,dopen ; open session
int decint
or ax,ax ; > 0 means session handle, else error
jle decst15 ; le = error
mov decneth,ax ; store handle
or nettype,decnet ; network type is DECnet
jmp short decst17 ; success
; CTERM startup failure
decst15:push ax ; save error number in ax
mov ax,decseg ; allocated memory segment
mov es,ax
mov ah,freemem ; free allocated memory segment @ES
int dos ; free the block
mov decseg,0 ; clear remembered segment address
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset decmsg1 ; cannot create session
int dos
mov dx,offset decmsg3 ; DEC Error #
int dos
pop ax ; recover error number (negative)
neg ax
call decout ; error number
mov decneth,0 ; invalidate the handle
and nettype,not decnet
decst16:mov pcnet,0 ; no net
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; port is not ready
pop es
stc ; status is error
; LAT or CTERM success
decst17:mov pcnet,2 ; say net is present and active
mov portval,offset portn ; set Network port structure address
mov flags.comflg,'D' ; set the comm port flag
mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov ax,100 ; wait 100 ms for DECnet to get ready
call pcwait
pop es
decstrt endp
; Display list of LAT service names. Presumes LAT presence checks have passed
latlst proc near
push es
push bx
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset dnetsrv ; header
int dos
push ds
pop es
mov si,2 ; chars in line counter
latlst1:mov bx,offset decbuf+2 ; es:bx = temp buffer for a name
mov word ptr [bx-2],' ' ; indent
mov byte ptr [bx],0 ; and a null terminator
mov ax,latsrv ; get next LAT service name
mov dh,0ffh
int latint
or ah,ah ; check status
jnz latlst2 ; nz = done (no more names)
mov dx,offset decbuf ; name ptr is in es:bx (our buffer)
call prtasz ; show asciiz name
call strlen ; get current length
add si,cx ; count chars on this line
cmp si,60 ; enough on line already?
jbe latlst1 ; be = no
mov ah,prstr ; break the screen line
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
mov si,2 ; reset line count
jmp short latlst1 ; do it again
latlst2:pop bx
pop es
latlst endp
; Check which Interrupt ReQuest line the port uses. Technique: allow interrupt
; on transmitter holding register empty, test for that condition first with
; IRQ 4 and then IRQ 3. Returns with IRQ values set and carry clear if success
; or carry set if failure. [jrd]
chkint proc near
mov bl,flags.comflg ; port 1..4
dec bl
xor bh,bh
mov al,portirq[bx] ; pre-specified IRQ, if any
or al,al ; IRQ specified already?
jz chkint5 ; z = no, find IRQ 4 or 3
; IRQ specified, in AL
mov di,sp ; do push sp test for XT vs 286 class
push sp ; XT pushes sp-2, 286's push old sp
pop cx ; recover pushed value, clean stack
sub di,cx ; non-zero if < 80286, no slave 8259
cmp al,2 ; using IRQ 2?
jne chkint1 ; ne = no
or di,di ; cascaded 8259?
jnz chkint1 ; nz = no
add al,7 ; map IRQ 2 to IRQ 9
chkint1:cmp al,15 ; larger than legal IRQ?
ja chkint3 ; a = yes, fail
or di,di ; 286 or above (cascaded 8259)?
jz chkint3 ; z = yes
cmp al,7 ; larger than legal for single 8259?
jbe chkint3 ; be = no
chkint2:stc ; fail
chkint3:mov cl,al ; IRQ 0..15
mov bx,1
shl bx,cl ; bit position of IRQ 0..15
or bl,bh ; copy bit to bl
mov modem.mddis,bl ; mask to disable IRQ
not bl ; 0 means enable
mov modem.mden,bl ; mask to enable IRQ
and al,7 ; IRQ, lower three bits
mov ah,al ; make a copy
add ah,60h ; specific EOI control code
mov modem.mdmeoi,ah ; specific EOI control command
add al,8 ; IRQ 0 starts at Int 8
xor ah,ah
mov modem.mdintv,ax ; Interrupt number
mov modem.mdmintc,20h ; master 8259 control address
or bh,bh ; on cascaded 8259?
jz chkint4 ; z = no
or modem.mdmintc,80h ; slave 8259 control address (0a0h)
add modem.mdintv,70h-8 ; Interrupt number for IRQ 8..15
chkint4:call serrst ; run usage test, to be sure
mov portin,0
mov intkind,0 ; clear interrupt cause
call inttest ; run test
jc chkint5 ; c = failed, try regular IRQs
chkint5:call serrst ; find IRQ 4 or 3 by usage tests
mov portin,0
mov modem.mddis,(1 shl 4) ; IRQ 4 test. mask to disable IRQ 4
mov modem.mden,not (1 shl 4); mask to enable IRQ 4
mov modem.mdmeoi,20h ; use general in case we guess wrong
mov modem.mdintv,8+4 ; IRQ 4 interrupt vector (0ch)
mov modem.mdmintc,20h ; use master 8259 here
mov intkind,0 ; clear interrupt cause
call inttest
jc chkint6 ; c = failed
mov modem.mdmeoi,60h+4 ; use specific EOI for IRQ4 level
clc ; this setup worked
; IRQ 3 test
chkint6:mov modem.mddis,(1 shl 3) ; mask to disable IRQ 3
mov modem.mden,not (1 shl 3); mask to enable IRQ 3
mov modem.mdmeoi,20h ; use general in case we guess wrong
mov modem.mdintv,8+3 ; IRQ 3 interrupt vector
mov intkind,0 ; clear interrupt cause
call inttest
jc chkint7 ; c = failed
mov modem.mdmeoi,60h+3 ; use specific EOI for IRQ3 level
clc ; this setup worked
chkint7:call serrst ; reset port, auto test did not work
mov modem.mdmintc,20h ; use master 8259 Int controller
cmp flags.comflg,1 ; COM1?
je chkint8 ; e = yes, use IRQ 4
cmp isps2,0 ; IBM PS/2 Model 50 or above?
jne chkint9 ; ne = yes, other COMs use IRQ 3
cmp flags.comflg,3 ; COM2, COM3, or COM4?
jne short chkint9 ; ne = COM2 or COM4, use IRQ 3
chkint8:cmp modem.mddat,02f8h ; really COM2 material for PCjr?
je chkint9 ; e = yes, use COM2 addresses
mov modem.mdmeoi,60h+4 ; use specific EOI for IRQ4 level
mov modem.mddis,(1 shl 4) ; IRQ 4 test. mask to disable IRQ 4
mov modem.mden,not (1 shl 4); mask to enable IRQ 4
mov modem.mdintv,8+4 ; IRQ 4 interrupt vector (0ch)
chkint9:mov modem.mdmeoi,60h+3 ; use specific EOI for IRQ 3 level
mov modem.mddis,(1 shl 3) ; mask to disable IRQ 3
mov modem.mden,not (1 shl 3); mask to enable IRQ 3
mov modem.mdintv,8+3 ; IRQ 3 interrupt vector
inttest:call serini ; setup port for given IRQ
jc inttes2 ; c = failure
mov dx,modem.mddat
inc dx ; interrupt enable reg (3f9h)
mov al,2 ; set xmtr holding reg empty interrupt
out dx,al
jmp $+2
out dx,al ; again, because first may be missed
mov ax,1 ; wait one millisec for interrupt
call pcwait ; to occur
test intkind,2 ; check cause of interrupt, ours?
jz inttes2 ; z = no, test failed
call serrst ; reset port
clc ; this setup worked
inttes2:call serrst ; reset port
stc ; failure
chkint endp
; Test presently selected serial port for having a real 8250 UART.
; Return carry clear if 8250 present,
; else carry set and flags.comflg in ascii digits for system Bios or
; carry set for network.
; Method is to check UART's Interrupt Identification Register for high
; five bits being zero; IBM does it this way. Assumes port structure
; has been initialized with addresses of UART. 21 Feb 1987 [jrd]
; 29 May 1987 Add double check by reading Line Status Register. [jrd]
chkport proc near
cmp flags.comflg,4 ; non-UART port?
ja chkporx ; a = yes
cmp flags.comflg,0 ; undefined port?
je chkporx ; e = yes
push ax
push dx
mov dx,modem.mdiir ; UART Interrupt Ident reg (3FAh/2FAh)
in al,dx ; read UART's IIR
test al,30h ; are these bits set?
jnz chkpor1 ; nz = yes, not an 8250/16450/16550A
mov dx,modem.mdstat ; line status register
in al,dx ; read to clear UART BI, FE, PE, OE bits
jmp $+2 ; pause, for chip access timing
in al,dx ; these bits should be cleared
test al,8eh ; are they cleared?
jnz chkpor1 ; nz = no, not an 8250/16450/16550A
pop dx
pop ax
clc ; clear carry (say 8250/etc)
chkpor1:pop dx
pop ax
add flags.comflg,'0' ; set Bios usage flag (ascii digit)
chkporx:stc ; set carry (say no 8250/etc)
chkport endp
; Check for presence of IBM EBIOS
; Returns carry clear if EBIOS present, else carry set
chkbios proc near
mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
mov ax,ebpresent*256+0ffh ; IBM EBIOS presence check
int rs232
jc chkbios1 ; c = failure
or ax,ax ; returns ax = 0 if present
jnz chkbios1 ; nz = not present
chkbios1:stc ; IBM EBIOS not present
chkbios endp
; Set the baud rate for the current port, based on the value
; in the portinfo structure. Returns carry clear.
mov dx,offset bdtab ; baud rate table, ascii
xor bx,bx ; help is the table itself
mov ah,cmkey ; get keyword
call comnd
jc baudst1 ; c = failure
push bx ; save result
mov ah,cmeol ; get confirmation
call comnd
pop bx
jc baudst1 ; c = failure
mov si,portval
mov ax,[si].baud ; remember original value
mov [si].baud,bx ; set the baud rate
call dobaud ; use common code
cmp portin,-1 ; port used yet?
jne dobd3 ; ne = yes, go get rate
mov bl,flags.comflg ; pass current port ident
call comstrt ; do SET PORT command now
jnc dobd3 ; nc = success
dobd4: stc
ret ; failure
dobd3: push ax ; save some regs
mov al,flags.comflg ; comms port
cmp al,'E' ; EBIOS?
je dobd5 ; e = yes
cmp al,'4' ; UART or Bios?
ja dobd1 ; a = no, networks
call chkport ; check port for real 8250 UART
dobd5: mov bx,portval ; pointer to port data structure
mov ax,[bx].baud ; check if new rate is valid
shl ax,1 ; make a word index
mov bx,offset bddat ; start of table
cmp flags.comflg,'0' ; Bios?
jb dobd0a ; b = no, UART
mov bx,offset clbddat ; use Bios speed parameters
dobd0a: add bx,ax
mov ax,[bx] ; data to output to port
cmp ax,0FFh ; unimplemented baud rate?
jne dobd0 ; ne = no
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset badbd ; give an error message
int dos
jmp dobd1
dobd0: mov dl,flags.comflg ; get coms port (1..4, letters)
cmp dl,4 ; running on a real uart?
jbe dobd2 ; be = yes, the real thing
cmp dl,'E' ; EBIOS?
je dobd6 ; e = yes
cmp dl,'4' ; Bios?
ja dobd1 ; a = no, network
or dl,dl ; zero (undefined port)?
jz dobd1 ; z = yes, just exit
and dl,7 ; use lower three bits
dec dl ; count ports as 0..3 for Bios
jmp short dobd7
dobd6: mov dx,ebport ; get EBIOS port (0..3)
dobd7: xor dh,dh
xor ah,ah ; set serial port
int rs232 ; Bios: set the parameters
jmp short dobd1 ; and exit
dobd2: push ax ; UART, remember value to output
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; LCR -- Initialize baud rate
in al,dx ; get it
mov bl,al ; make a copy
or ax,80H ; turn on DLAB bit to access divisor part
out dx,al
mov dx,modem.mddat
pop ax ; set the baud rate divisor
out dx,al
inc dx ; next address for high part
mov al,ah ; set high part of divisor
out dx,al
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; LCR again
mov al,bl ; get original setting from bl
out dx,al ; restore it
dobd1: pop ax ; restore regs
; Get the current baud rate from the serial card and set it
; in the portinfo structure for the current port. Returns normally.
; This is used during initialization.
push ax
push bx
mov bx,portval
mov al,flags.comflg
cmp al,4 ; UART?
ja getb3 ; a = no, Bios or Networks
cmp portin,-1 ; port unused?
jne getbud ; ne = no, used, go get rate
mov bl,al ; pass current port ident
call comstrt ; do SET PORT command now
jnc getbud ; nc = success
getb3: pop bx
pop ax
ret ; failure
getbud: push cx ; save some regs
push dx
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; get current Line Control Register value
in al,dx
mov bl,al ; save it
or ax,80H ; turn on to access baud rate generator
out dx,al
mov dx,modem.mddat ; Divisor latch
inc dx
in al,dx ; get high order byte
mov ah,al ; save here
dec dx
in al,dx ; get low order byte
push ax
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; Line Control Register
mov al,bl ; restore old value
out dx,al
pop ax
cmp ax,0FFFFH ; who knows what this is
je getb2
mov bx,offset bddat ; find rate's offset into table
xor cl,cl ; keep track of index
getb0: cmp ax,[bx] ; observed vs table divisor
je getb1 ; e = found a match
inc cl ; next table index
cmp cl,baudlen ; at the end of the list?
jge getb2 ; ge = yes, quit
add bx,2 ; next table entry
jmp short getb0
getb1: xor ch,ch
mov bx,portval
mov [bx].baud,cx ; set baud rate
getb2: pop dx ; restore regs
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; Get Char from serial port buffer.
; returns carry set if no character available at port, otherwise
; returns carry clear with char in al, # of chars in buffer in dx.
cmp holdscr,0 ; Holdscreen in effect?
jne prtch0a ; ne = yes, do not read
call chkxon ; see if we need to xon
cmp repflg,0 ; REPLAY?
je prtchn1 ; e = no
jmp prtch30 ; yes, do replay file reading
prtchn1:mov al,flags.comflg ; get kind of port
cmp al,'0' ; Bios or network?
jb prtch0 ; b = no, UART
cmp al,'4' ; Bios?
ja prtchn ; a = no
jmp prtch7 ; be = yes, else networks
prtchn: cmp al,'E' ; EBIOS?
je prtch6 ; e = yes
mov dx,count ; chars in buffer now
cmp dx,bufsiz-nbuflen ; room left for more network data?
ja prtch1 ; a = no, read current buffer
cmp al,'U' ; UB network?
je prtchn2
cmp al,'C' ; 3Com BAPI interface?
je prtchn2 ; e = yes
cmp al,'I' ; TES?
jne prtchn5 ; ne = no
or dx,dx ; anything left in our buffer?
jnz prtch1 ; nz = yes, use it first
call tesrcv ; do TES block receive
jmp short prtch0
prtchn5:cmp al,'T' ; Novell TELAPI?
je prtchn2 ; e = yes
cmp al,'W' ; Novell network?
je prtchn2 ; e = yes
prtchn6:cmp al,'t' ; TCP Telnet?
jne prtchn3 ; ne = no
prtchn2:or dx,dx ; anything left in our buffer?
jnz prtch1 ; nz = yes, use it first
call ubrecv ; do a UB receive
jmp short prtch0
prtchn3:cmp al,'D' ; DECnet?
jne prtchn4 ; ne = no
jmp decrcv ; DECnet receive char
prtchn4:call receive ; start next NetBios receive (async)
prtch0: cmp count,0 ; any characters available?
jnz prtch1 ; nz = yes, get one
prtch0a:xor dx,dx ; return count of zero
stc ; say no data
prtch1: push si ; save si
cli ; interrupts off, to keep srcpnt & count consistent
mov si,srcpnt ; address of next available slot in buffer
sub si,count ; minus number of unread chars in buffer
cmp si,offset source ; located before start of buf?
jae prtch2 ; ae = no
add si,bufsiz ; else do arithmetic modulo bufsiz
prtch2: mov al,byte ptr [si] ; get a character into al
dec count ; one less unread char now
sti ; interrupts back on now
pop si
mov dx,count ; return # of chars in buffer
; EBIOS calls
prtch6: mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
mov ah,ebrcv ; IBM EBIOS receive /no wait
int rs232 ; does line check then char ready chk
test ah,8ch ; timeout, framing error, parity error?
jnz prtch8 ; nz = error, no char
jz prtch10 ; z = success, process char in AL
; Bios calls
prtch7: xor dh,dh ; assume port 1, find current port
mov dl,flags.comflg ; get port number (1..4)
prtch7a:or dl,dl ; zero (no such port)?
jz prtch8 ; z = yes, don't access it
and dl,7 ; use low three bits
dec dl ; address ports as 0..3 for Bios
mov ah,3 ; check port status, std Bios calls
int rs232 ; Bios call
test ah,mdminp ; data ready?
jnz prtch9 ; nz = yes, get one
prtch8: xor dx,dx ; return count of zero
stc ; say no data
prtch9: mov ah,2 ; receive a char into al
int rs232 ; Bios call
test ah,8ch ; timeout, framing error, parity error?
jnz prtch8 ; nz = error, no char
; single char read final filter
prtch10:test flowcnt,1 ; using XON/XOFF flow control?
jz prtch12 ; z = no
cmp al,flowoff ; acting on XOFF?
jne prtch11 ; ne = no, go on
cmp xofsnt,0 ; have we sent an outstanding XOFF?
jne prtch8 ; ne = yes, ignore (possible echo)
mov xofrcv,bufon ; set the flag saying XOFF received
xor dx,dx
prtch11:cmp al,flowon ; acting on Xon?
jne prtch12 ; ne = no, go on
mov xofrcv,off ; clear the XOFF received flag
xor dx,dx
ret ; no data to return
prtch12:clc ; return char in al
; REPLAY, read char from a file
prtch30:cmp repflg,2 ; at EOF already?
jne prtch31 ; ne = no
stc ; yes, return with no char
prtch31:push bx
push cx
xor dx,dx
test xofsnt,usron ; user level xoff sent?
jz prtch32 ; z = no
pop cx ; suppress reading here
pop bx
stc ; return with no char
prtch32:cmp tekflg,0 ; doing Tek plots?
jne prtch33 ; ne = yes, do not insert pauses
mov ax,100
mov bx,1
jmp $+2 ; flush lookahead buffer
div bx ; burn some cpu cycles
div bx ; because a 1 ms wait is too long
div bx
div bx
prtch33:mov ah,readf2
mov bx,diskio.handle ; file handle
mov cx,1 ; read one char
mov dx,offset decbuf ; to this buffer
int dos
jc prtch34 ; c = read failure
cmp ax,cx ; read the byte?
jne prtch34 ; ne = no
pop cx
pop bx
mov al,decbuf ; get the char into al
mov dx,1 ; external char count
ret ; return it
prtch34:call beep
mov ax,40 ; wait 40 millisec
call pcwait
call beep
mov repflg,2 ; say at EOF
pop cx
pop bx
stc ; say no char
; DECnet receive routine
test nettype,declat ; LAT interface?
jz decrcv1 ; z = not LAT
mov dx,lathand
or dx,dx ; invalid handle?
jz decrcv1 ; z = yes, try CTERM
mov dh,0ffh
mov ah,latread ; read char via LAT into AL
int latint
test ah,80h ; char available?
jz decrcv2 ; z = yes
; non-SCB status check, slower and much safer
mov ah,latstat ; get status
mov dx,lathand
mov dh,0ffh
int latint
test ah,4 ; session not active?
jnz decrcv4 ; nz = yes, no valid session
stc ; return no char
; end alterntive code
; push es
; push bx
; les bx,latscbptr
; test es:[bx].sstatus,18h ; status: stop slot or circuit failure
; pop bx
; pop es
; jnz decrcv4 ; nz = yes, no valid session
; stc ; return no char
; ret
decrcv1:test nettype,decnet ; is CTERM active?
jz decrcv4 ; z = no
mov dx,decneth ; handle
or dx,dx ; legal?
jz decrcv4 ; z = no
mov ax,dcstat ; CTERM status
int decint
test ah,0c0h ; no session, DECnet error?
jnz decrcv4 ; nz = yes, stop here
; test ah,1 ; data available?
; jz decrcv5 ; z = no
; data available test fails under flow control, maybe a Cterm bug. jrd
mov ax,dread ; read char via CTERM
int decint
test ah,80h ; char received?
jnz decrcv5 ; nz = no
decrcv2:jmp prtch10 ; use common completion code
decrcv4:call nethangup
test flags.remflg,dserver ; server mode?
jz decrcv5 ; z = no
call serini ; reinitialize it for new session
decrcv5:stc ; say failure to receive
; NetBios Receive packet routine. If a new packet has been received unpack
; the data and request a new one with no-wait option. If a receive request is
; still outstanding just return with no new data.
; Return carry clear if success. If failure, reset serial port (Server mode
; reinits serial port) and return carry set. No entry setup needed.
RECEIVE PROC NEAR ; receive network session pkt
cmp pcnet,1 ; net ready yet?
jbe receiv3 ; be = no, declare a broken session
cmp rposted,1 ; is a request outstanding now?
je receiv4 ; e = yes (1), don't do another
jb receiv1 ; b = no (0), do one now
call receiv2 ; have new pkt, unpack, do new recv
jnc receiv1 ; nc = success
ret ; else return carry set
receiv1:mov rposted,1 ; say posting a receive now
mov rcv.scb_length,nbuflen ; length of input buffer
mov rcv.scb_cmd,nreceive+nowait ; receive, no wait
push bx
mov bx,offset rcv ; setup pointer to scb
call session
pop bx
receiv2:mov al,rcv.scb_err ; returned status
or al,al ; success?
jz receiv5 ; z = yes, get the data
cmp al,npending ; pending receive?
je receiv4 ; e = yes
cmp al,6 ; message incomplete?
je receiv5 ; e = yes, get what we have anyway
cmp al,0bh ; receive cancelled?
je receiv4 ; e = yes
cmp al,18h ; session ended abnormally?
jbe receiv3 ; e = yes, b = other normal errors
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset recmsg ; give error message
int dos
mov al,rcv.scb_err ; get error code
call decout ; show error code
; Error return
receiv3:mov pcnet,1 ; say session is broken
mov rposted,0
call serrst ; reset serial port
test flags.remflg,dserver ; server mode?
jz receiv3a ; z = no
call serini ; reinitialize it for new session
receiv3a:stc ; say failure to receive
receiv4:clc ; carry clear = success
; shared by NetBios, Novell, Opennet, Ungerman Bass, 3ComBAPI
receiv5:push bx ; new packet has been received
push cx ; copy contents to circ buf source
push dx
push si
mov dh,flowon
mov dl,flowoff
mov si,rcv.scb_baddr ; source of text (es:bx is scb ptr)
mov bx,srcpnt ; address of destination buffer slot
receiv6:mov cx,rcv.scb_length ; get remaining returned byte count
jcxz receiv13 ; z = nothing there
mov ax,offset source+bufsiz ; end of destination buffer+1
sub ax,bx ; space remaining at end of buffer
jns receiv7 ; should never be negative
neg ax ; but if so invert
receiv7:cmp ax,cx ; buffer ending vs incoming byte count
jge receiv8 ; ge = enough for this pass
mov cx,ax ; limit this pass to end of the buffer
receiv8:sub rcv.scb_length,cx ; deduct chars done in this pass
add count,cx ; add them to the count
cld ; inner loop "block" transfer
test flowcnt,1 ; doing XNO/XOFF flow control?
jz receiv20 ; z = no
receiv9:lodsb ; get byte from rcvbuf to al
mov ah,al ; get copy of character
and ah,parmsk ; strip parity, if any, before testing
cmp ah,dl ; acting on Xoff?
jne receiv10 ; ne = no
cmp xofsnt,0 ; have we sent an XOFF?
jne receiv12 ; ne = yes, ignore this XOFF char
mov xofrcv,bufon ; set flag saying buffer XOFF received
jmp short receiv12 ; and skip this character
receiv10:cmp ah,dh ; acting on Xon?
jne receiv11 ; ne = no, go on
mov xofrcv,off ; clear the XOFF received flag
jmp short receiv12 ; and skip this character
receiv11:mov [bx],al ; store new char in buffer "source"
inc bx
receiv12:loop receiv9 ; bottom of inner loop
jmp short receiv22
receiv20:push es ; no flow control, just do copy
push di
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov di,bx ; destination
shr cx,1
jnc receiv21
receiv21:rep movsw ; do quick copy
mov bx,di ; update destination pointer
pop di
pop es
receiv22: ; update buffer pointer for wrapping
cmp bx,offset source+bufsiz ; pointing beyond end of buffer?
jb receiv6 ; b = no, do next pass
mov bx,offset source ; wrap pointer, modulo bufsiz
jmp short receiv6 ; do next pass
receiv13:mov srcpnt,bx ; update pointer to next free slot
cmp count,bufsiz ; count more that buffer size?
jbe receiv14 ; be = no
mov count,bufsiz ; limit to bufsiz (tells the truth)
receiv14:mov rposted,0 ; clear interlock flag
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
; NetBios Receive post processing interrupt routine.
; Sets rposted interlock flag
RPOST PROC NEAR ; NetBios receive post interrupt routine
push ds
push ax
mov ax,data ; reestablish data segment
mov ds,ax
mov rposted,2 ; set interlock flag to completed
pop ax
pop ds
iret ; return from interrupt
RPOST endp
; TES block mode receive, uses receiv5 to process results
TESRCV proc near
push di
push cx
push dx
push es
mov ax,data
mov es,ax ; es:di will point to rcvbuf
mov di,offset rcvbuf
mov cx,nbuflen ; buffer length
mov dx,tesport ; operational port
mov ah,tesbread ; block read
int rs232
jcxz tesrcv2 ; z = no characters read
mov rcv.scb_length,cx ; prepare for receive call
call receiv5 ; process rcvbuf
tesrcv2:pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop di
; Ungermann-Bass NETCI port receive characters routine. Receive one or more
; characters. Calls the receiv5 routine to transfer character to main source
; circular buffer. Return carry clear if success.
push bx
push cx
push es
mov ax,data
mov es,ax ; es:bx will point to rcvbuf
mov bx,offset rcvbuf
mov cx,nbuflen ; buffer length
ubrecv2:test nettype,bapi+tcpnet ; 3Com BAPI or TCP Telnet interface?
jz ubrecv2a ; z = no
mov ah,bapiread
xor dh,dh ; session 0
int bapiint
cmp ah,3 ; status, no session and above
jb ubrecv3 ; b = no, successful?
call nethangup ; broken connection, terminate it
jmp short ubrec1
ubrecv2a:test nettype,telapi ; Novell TELAPI?
jz ubrecv2c ; z = no, use Int 6Bh kind
cmp pcnet,2 ; port going?
jb ubrec1 ; b = no
push si
push bx
mov si,bx ; use es:si for buffer address
mov bx,telses ; session number
mov ah,telread
int rs232
pop bx
pop si
xchg ax,cx ; byte count returned in AX
jcxz ubrecv2b ; z = connection broken
or cx,cx
jns ubrecv3 ; ns = no error
cmp cx,-35 ; status of no data?
jne ubrecv2b ; ne = no
xor cx,cx ; mimic no data
jmp short ubrec1
ubrecv2b:call nethangup ; clear the connection anyway
xor cx,cx ; say no data
jmp short ubrec1
ubrecv2c:test nettype,netone ; UB?
jz ubrec1 ; z = no, do nothing
mov ax, nciread ; function 1 (receive) port 0 [ohl]
int netci ; get characters [ohl]
jcxz ubrec1 ; cx = z = nothing to do
ubrecv3a:mov rcv.scb_length, cx ; prepare for rpost call [ohl]
call receiv5 ; process buffer
ubrec1: pop es
pop cx
pop bx
; Put the char in AH to the serial port, assumimg the port is active.
; Returns carry clear if success, else carry set.
; 16 May 1987 Add entry point OUTCH2 for non-flow controlled sending to
; prevent confusion of flow control logic at top of outchr; used by receiver
; buffer high/low water mark flow control code. [jrd]
cmp quechar,0 ; char queued for transmission?
je outch0 ; e = no, no XOFF queued
xchg ah,quechar ; save current char
cmp ah,flowoff ; really XOFF?
jne outch0a ; ne = no
mov xofsnt,bufon ; we are senting XOFF at buffer level
outch0a:call outch2 ; send queued char (XOFF usually)
xor ah,ah ; replacement for queued char, none
xchg ah,quechar ; recover current char, send it
outch0: test flowcnt,1 ; doing XON/XOFF flow control?
jz outch2 ; z = no, just continue
cmp ah,flowoff ; sending xoff?
jne outch1 ; ne = no
mov xofsnt,usron ; indicate user level xoff being sent
jmp short outch1b
outch1: and xofsnt,not usron ; cancel user level xoff
cmp ah,flowon ; user sending xon?
jne outch1b ; ne = no
mov xofsnt,off ; say an xon has been sent (cancels xoff)
outch1b:cmp xofrcv,off ; Are we being held (xoff received)?
je outch2 ; e = no - it's OK to go on
push cx ; save reg
mov ch,15 ; 15 sec timeout interval
xor cl,cl ; convert to 4 millsec increments
outch1a:cmp xofrcv,off ; are we being held (xoff received)?
je outch1c ; e = no - it's OK to go on
push ax
mov ax,4 ; 4 millisec wait loop
call pcwait
pop ax
loop outch1a ; and try it again
mov xofrcv,off ; timed out, force it off
cmp ttyact,0 ; in Connect mode?
je outch1c ; e = no
push ax ; save char around the call
call beep ; let user know we are xoff-ed
pop ax ; but are sending anyway
outch1c:pop cx ; end of flow control section
; OUTCH2 is entry point for sending without flow control
OUTCH2: mov al,ah ; Parity routine works on AL
call dopar ; Set parity appropriately
mov ah,al ; Don't overwrite character with status
cmp repflg,0 ; doing REPLAY from a file?
je outch3 ; e = no
and al,7fh ; strip parity
cmp al,'C'-40h ; Control-C? (to exit playback mode)
je outch2a ; e = yes, return failure
clc ; return success, send nothing
outch2a:stc ; failure, to exit playback mode
outch3: cmp flags.comflg,'0' ; Bios?
jb outch3a ; b = no, UART
cmp flags.comflg,'4' ; Bios?
jbe outch3e ; be = yes
jmp outch8 ; else try networks
outch3e:jmp outch6 ; do Bios routine
outch3a:push cx ; Bios
push dx
mov dx,modem.mddat
add dx,4 ; modem control reg 3fch
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
jne outch3b ; ne = no, half
test flowcnt,2 ; using RTS to control incoming chars?
jz outch3d ; z = no
mov cx,8000 ; ~10 seconds worth of waiting on CTS
add dx,2 ; modem status reg 3feh
jmp short outch3c ; do CTS test/waiting
; Half Duplex here
outch3b:in al,dx ; modem control reg 3fch
or al,2 ; assert RTS for hardware transmit
jmp $+2
out dx,al
add dx,2 ; modem status register 3feh
jmp $+2
in al,dx ; get DSR status
test al,20h ; ignore CTS if DSR is not asserted
jz outch3d ; z = DSR not asserted
mov cx,8000 ; ~10 seconds worth of waiting on CTS
; Half Duplex and RTS/CTS flow cont.
outch3c:in al,dx ; wait on CTS (ah has output char)
test al,10h ; is CTS asserted? (dx = 3feh)
jnz outch3d ; nz = yes
push ax ; preserve char in ah
mov ax,1 ; wait one millisec
call pcwait
pop ax
loop outch3c ; test again
push ax
call beep ; timeout, make non-fatal
pop ax ; continue to send the char
outch3d:push bx
mov bx,portval
cmp [bx].baud,Bsplit ; split-speed mode?
pop bx
jne outch3f ; ne = no
mov al,ah ; [pslms]
call out75b ; do split speed sending at 75 baud
pop dx
pop cx
ret ; out75b sets/clears carry bit
outch3f:xor cx,cx
mov dx,modem.mdstat ; get port status
in al,dx
test al,20H ; Transmitter (THRE) ready?
jnz outch4 ; nz = yes
jmp $+2 ; use time, prevent overdriving UART
jmp $+2
loop outch3f
jmp short outch5 ; Timeout
outch4: mov al,ah ; Now send it out
mov dx,modem.mddat ; use a little time
jmp $+2
out dx,al
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
je outch4a ; e = yes
cmp al,trans.seol ; End of Line char?
jne outch4a ; ne = no
xor cx,cx ; loop counter
outch4b:mov dx,modem.mdstat ; modem line status reg
in al,dx ; read transmitter shift reg empty bit
jmp $+2
jmp $+2
jmp $+2 ; wait for char to be sent
test al,40h ; is it empty?
loopz outch4b ; z = no, not yet
mov dx,modem.mddat
add dx,4 ; modem control reg 3fch
in al,dx
and al,not 2 ; unassert RTS
jmp $+2
out dx,al
outch4a:pop dx ; exit success
pop cx
outch5: call beep
pop dx ; exit failure
pop cx
; finish up for Bios calls
outch6: push cx ; find current port
mov cx,5 ; retry counter
push dx
xor dx,dx ; assume port 1
mov dl,flags.comflg ; get port number (1..4)
or dl,dl ; zero (no such port)?
jz outch5 ; z = yes, don't access it
and dl,7 ; use lower three bits
dec dl ; address ports as 0..3 for Bios
mov al,ah ; now send it out
outch6a:push ax ; save char
mov ah,1 ; send char
int rs232 ; bios send
shl ah,1 ; set carry if failure
pop ax ; recover char
jnc outch6b ; nc = success
push ax
mov ax,60 ; wait 60 ms
call pcwait ; this must preserve cx and dx
pop ax ; recover char
loop outch6a ; try again
stc ; fail through here
outch6b:pop dx
pop cx
ret ; c set = failure, else success
outch8: ; Network sending, buffered and single char
cmp flags.comflg,'D' ; DECnet?
jne outch8a ; ne = no
jmp outch14 ; e = yes
outch8a:push bx
mov bx,xmtcnt ; count of chars in buffer
mov xmtbufx[bx],ah ; put char in buffer
pop bx
inc xmtcnt ; count of items in this buffer
cmp ah,CR ; carriage return?
jne outch8e ; ne = no
test nettype,tcpnet ; Telnet?
jz outch8e ; z = no
push bx
mov bx,portval
cmp [bx].ecoflg,0 ; Telnet local echo (line mode)?
pop bx
je outch8e ; e = no
cmp xmtcnt,length xmtbuf ; is buffer full?
jae outch8d ; ae = yes, take special setps
outch8c:push bx
mov bx,xmtcnt
mov xmtbufx[bx],LF ; append LF, send CR/LF as a unit
pop bx
inc xmtcnt
jmp short outch9 ; send buffer now
outch8d:call ubsend ; send what we have now
jmp short outch8c ; jump up and add char
outch8e:cmp xmtcnt,length xmtbuf ; is buffer full now?
jae outch9 ; ae = buffer is full, send it now
cmp ah,trans.seol ; end of packet?
je outch9 ; e = yes, send buffer
test flowcnt,1 ; using XON/XOFF flow control?
jz outch8b ; z = no
cmp ah,flowon ; flow control?
je outch9 ; e = yes, always expedite
cmp ah,flowoff ; ditto for flow off
je outch9
outch8b:cmp ttyact,0 ; are we in Connect mode?
je outch10 ; e = no, wait for more before sending
outch9: cmp flags.comflg,'U' ; check for UB port [ohl]
je outch12 ; e = yes [ohl]
cmp flags.comflg,'W' ; Novell NACS?
je outch12 ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'C' ; 3Com BAPI
je outch12 ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; EBIOS?
je outch13 ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'T' ; Novell TELAPI?
je outch12
cmp flags.comflg,'t' ; TCP/IP Telnet?
je outch12 ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'I' ; TES?
je outch11 ; e = yes
jmp send ; NetBios network send routine
outch10:clc ; good exit
outch11:jmp tessnd ; TES network send
outch12:jmp ubsend ; UB/Novell network send
outch13:push si ; EBIOS send
mov si,offset xmtbufx
mov cx,xmtcnt ; buffer count
jcxz outch13b ; z = nothing to send
mov ah,ebsend ; EBIOS send a char from AL
push dx
mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3, do here to waste time
int rs232 ; bios send
pop dx
shl ah,1 ; put status high bit into carry
jc outch13b ; c = failure
loop outch13a
outch13b:mov xmtcnt,0
pop si
ret ; c set = failure, else success
outch14:test nettype,declat ; LAT?
jz outch14a ; z = no, use CTERM
mov cx,10 ; retry counter
mov byte ptr temp,ah ; outgoing char
outch14d:mov dx,lathand ; LAT handle
or dx,dx ; legal handle?
jz outch14c ; z = invalid handle
push cx
mov dh,0ffh
mov al,byte ptr temp
mov ah,latsend ; LAT send byte
int latint
pop cx
or ah,ah ; status
jnz outch14e ; nz = failed, check
outch14e:mov ah,latstat ; status call
mov dx,lathand ; handle
mov dh,0ffh
int latint
test ah,4 ; session active?
jnz outch14c ; nz = no, fail
mov ax,10 ; wait 10 millisecs
call pcwait
loop outch14d ; retry
jmp short outch14c ; fail outright
outch14a:mov dx,decneth ; DECnet, handle
or dx,dx ; legal handle?
jz outch14c ; z = invalid handle
push bx ; CTERM
mov bl,ah ; char to be sent
mov ax,dsend ; send byte in bl
int decint
pop bx
outch14b:rcl ah,1 ; status 80h bit, did char get sent?
jnc outch15 ; nc = success
outch14c:call nethangup ; failure
; Software uart that generates output rate of 75 baud independently of
; 8250 baudrate; use with V.23 split speed modems.
; This routine outputs a character in 8,<parity>,1 format only.
; To generate good bit timing, latency is to be kept low; now set for max
; 12% bit distortion and 1.2% speed deviation (about the same as the input
; stage of a HW-uart), which requires latency < 3ms (i e the same as 8250
; requires for receive in 9600 baud)
; Creator Dan Norstedt 1987. Implemented 18 Feb 1988 by [pslms].
out75b proc near
mov timeract,1 ; say we are allocating the timer chip
push bx
push cx
push dx
xchg ax,bx ; save char to output
mov bh,1 ; prepare output char
mov cx,cnt75b ; maximum end count
out75b1:call read_timer2 ; save previous end count in CX, read timer
; test for timer still decrementing ?
jb out75b1 ; b = yes, wait (for a maximum of 1 bit)
mov al,0b4h ; set up counter 2 to mode 2, load LSB+MSB
out timercmd,al ; set mode 2 = rate generator
jmp $+2
mov ax,cnt75b*4+cnt75b*4+cnt75b*2-precomp ; set start point
out timer2data,al ; output LSB
jmp $+2
xchg cx,ax ; save value in CX for compare in READ_TIMER2
mov al,ch ; output MSB
cli ; timer starts counting on next instr, make
out timer2data,al ; sure it's not to far of from start bit
in al,ppi_port ; get Port B contents
jmp $+2
and al,0fch ; mask speaker and gate 2 bits
inc ax
out ppi_port,al ; set speaker off and gate 2 on
mov al,-1
out timer2data,al ; set counter wraparound to 0FFFFH
jmp $+2
out timer2data,al
mov bp,cnt75b*4+cnt75b*4+cnt75b ; set timer value for next bit
mov dx,modem.mddat ; get com port address
add dx,3 ; address of it's line control register
in al,dx ; get port status
jmp $+2
out75b2:or al,brkbit ; set line to space (by using break bit)
out75b3:out dx,al ; once start bit is out, we may reenable
sti ; without getting extra jitter
out75b4:call read_timer2
jns out75b5 ; ns = timer doesn't seem to run
cmp ax,bp ; time for next bit?
jns out75b4 ; ns = no, wait
sub bp,cnt75b ; yes, step time to next event
in al,dx ; get line control register
and al,0bfh ; remove break bit
shr bx,1 ; carry for mark bit, none for space
jnc out75b2 ; nc = it was a space (we know BX is non-zero)
jnz out75b3 ; mark, and not the last one
jmp $+2
out dx,al ; last, start to send stop bit
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov timeract,0 ; say we are finished with the timer chip
cmp quechar,0 ; any char queued to be sent?
je out75b6 ; e = no
call outchr ; yes, send it now
out75b5:in al,dx ; timer doesn't function properly,
and al,0bfh ; restore com port and return error
out dx,al
mov timeract,0 ; say we are finished with the timer chip
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
out75b endp
read_timer2 proc near
mov al,80h ; Freeze timer 2
out timercmd,al
jmp $+2
in al,timer2data ; Get LSB
jmp $+2
mov ah,al
in al,timer2data ; Get MSB
xchg al,ah ; Get LSB and MSB right
cmp ax,cx ; Compare to previous sample
mov cx,ax ; Replace previous sample with current
read_timer2 endp
; NetBios Send packet routine. Send xmt scb with no-wait option. Waits
; up to 6 seconds for current Send to complete before emitting new Send.
; Failure to Send resets serial port (Server mode allows reiniting of serial
; port). Returns carry clear for success, carry set for failure.
; Enter with xmtcnt holding length of data in xmtbuf to be sent.
SEND PROC NEAR ; Network. Send session packet
cmp pcnet,1 ; network ready yet?
ja send0b ; a = net is operational
je send0c ; e = net but no session, fail
jmp send3a ; no net, fail
send0c: jmp send3 ; net but no session
send0b: cmp sposted,0 ; is a send outstanding now?
je send1 ; e = no, go ahead
push cx ; Timed test for old send being done
mov ch,trans.rtime ; receive timeout other side wants
mov cl,80h ; plus half a second
shl cx,1 ; sending timeout * 512
send0: cmp sposted,0 ; is a send outstanding now?
je send0a ; e = no, clean up and do send
push cx ; save cx
push ax ; and ax
mov ax,2 ; wait 2 milliseconds
call pcwait ; between retests
pop ax
pop cx ; loop counter
loop send0 ; repeat test
pop cx ; recover cx
jmp send3a ; get here on timeout, can't send
send0a: pop cx ; recover cx and proceed to send
send1: cmp xmtcnt,0 ; number of items to send
jne send1a ; ne = some
clc ; else don't send null packets
send1a: push bx ; save these regs
push cx
push si
push di
push es
push ds
pop es ; set es to data segment
mov si,offset xmtbufx ; external buffer
mov di,offset xmtbuf ; copy for network packets
mov cx,xmtcnt ; buffer length
mov xmt.scb_length,cx ; tell buffer length
shr cx,1 ; divide by two (words), set carry
jnc send2 ; nc = even number of bytes
movsb ; do single move
send2: rep movsw ; copy the data
pop es
pop di
pop si
pop cx
mov xmtcnt,0 ; say xmtbufx is available again
mov xmt.scb_cmd,nsend+nowait ; send, don't wait for completion
mov sposted,1 ; say send posted
mov bx,offset xmt ; set pointer to scb
call session
pop bx ; recover pointer to scb
; success or failure?
cmp xmt.scb_err,0 ; good return?
je send4 ; e = yes
cmp xmt.scb_err,npending ; pending?
je send4 ; e = yes
cmp xmt.scb_err,18h ; session ended abnormally?
jbe send3 ; e = yes, b = other normal errors
push ax
push dx ; another kind of error, show message
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset sndmsg ; say send failed
int dos
mov al,xmt.scb_err ; show error code
call decout
pop dx
pop ax
; Error return
send3: mov pcnet,1 ; say session is broken
call serrst ; reset serial port
test flags.remflg,dserver ; server mode?
jz send3a ; z = no
call nethangup ; Server: purge old NAKs etc
send3a: call serini ; reinitialize it for new session
stc ; set carry for failure to send
send4: clc
; NetBios Send packet completion interrupt routine. At entry CS is our
; code segment, es:bx points to scb, netbios stack, interrupts are off.
SPOST PROC NEAR ; post routine for Send packets
push ds
push ax
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov sposted,0 ; clear send interlock
pop ax
pop ds
; TES block send
TESSND proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push di
push es
mov cx,xmtcnt ; number of chars
jcxz tessnd4 ; don't send zero chars
mov di,offset xmtbufx ; buffer address in es:di
mov ax,data
mov es,ax
tessnd1:mov temp,0 ; retry counter
tessnd2:mov ah,tesbwrite ; block write
mov dx,tesport ; operational port
int rs232
or ax,ax ; number of chars sent, zero?
jnz tessnd3 ; nz = sent some
mov ax,10 ; wait 10ms
call pcwait
inc temp ; count retry
cmp temp,5 ; done all retries?
jb tessnd2 ; b = no
call nethangup ; declare failure
jmp short tessnd5 ; exit failure
tessnd3:cmp ax,cx ; check that all characters were sent
je tessnd4 ; e = yes
add di,ax ; point to remaining chars
sub cx,ax ; count of remaining characters
mov xmtcnt,cx ; need count in xmtcnt too
jmp short tessnd1 ; try again to send
tessnd4:clc ; success, need failure case too
tessnd5:mov xmtcnt,0
pop es
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
; Ungermann-Bass NETCI/Novell NASI port send packet routine.
; Enter with xmtcnt holding length of data in xmtbuf to be sent.
ubsend proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
push es
mov cx, xmtcnt ; number of chars [ohl]
jcxz ubsend1 ; don't send zero chars [ohl]
mov bx, offset xmtbufx ; buffer address in es:bx [ohl]
mov ax, data
mov es, ax
ubsend2:test nettype,bapi+tcpnet ; 3Com BAPI or TCP Telnet?
jz ubsend2a ; z = no
mov ah,bapiwrit ; 3Com block write
xor dh,dh ; session 0
int bapiint
cmp ah,3 ; status, no session and above
jae ubsend2b ; ae = no session and above, fail
jmp short ubsend3 ; process data
ubsend2a:test nettype,telapi ; Novell TELAPI?
jz ubsend2c ; z = no, Int 6Bh kind
push si
push bx ; preserve buffer offset
;;v4 call telsetline ; set char/line mode
mov si,bx ; use es:si for buffer address
mov ah,telwrite
mov bx,telses ; session number
int rs232
pop bx
pop si
mov cx,ax ; TELAPI returns sent count in AX
or ax,ax ; error response (sign bit set)?
jns ubsend3 ; ns = no error
ubsend2b:call nethangup ; failure, hangup the connection
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
stc ; failure
ubsend2c:test nettype,netone ; UB?
jz ubsend1 ; no, do nothing
mov ax, nciwrit ; write function, port 0 [ohl]
int netci
ubsend3:cmp cx,xmtcnt ; check that all characters sent [ohl]
je ubsend1 ; e = yes [ohl]
add bx, cx ; point to remaining chars [ohl]
sub xmtcnt,cx ; count of remaining characters [ohl]
mov cx,xmtcnt ; need count in cx too
jmp short ubsend2 ; try again to send [ohl]
ubsend1:mov xmtcnt,0
pop es
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
clc ; success, need failure case too
ubsend endp ; [ohl] ---
; TELAPI, perform telioctl to set transmission line mode of Char or Line
; depending on whether in single char (ttyact != 0) or not. Remember state
; in telstate.
telsetline proc near
; push cx
; mov cx,7 ; assume single char mode
; cmp ttyact,0 ; multichar mode?
; jne telset2 ; ne = yes
; cmp xmtcnt,1 ; sending just one char?
; je telset2 ; e = yes, set Char state
; cmp trans.seol,CR ; CR ends packets?
; jne telset2 ; ne = no, must use Char mode
; inc cx ; line mode is Telnet Option 8
;telset2:cmp cx,telstate ; same as currently set?
; jne telset3 ; ne = no, change it
; pop cx
; ret
;telset3:push bx ; change line state
; push es
; mov si,ds
; mov es,si
; mov si,offset teloption ; es:si = Option data structure
; mov word ptr [si],0 ; clear the numeric fields
; mov word ptr [si+2],0
; mov telstate,cx ; remember new line state
; cmp cx,7 ; do Char mode?
; je telset4 ; e = yes
; mov word ptr [si],offset temp ; set Line mode
; mov bx,ds
; mov word ptr [si+2],bx
; mov temp,0 ; erase line char, a dummy
;telset4:mov bx,telses ; session
; mov ah,telioctl ; ioctl to do it
; int rs232
; pop es
; pop bx
; pop cx
telsetline endp
; Dispatch prebuilt NetBios session scb, enter with bx pointing to scb.
; Returns status in al (and ah too). Allows STARLAN Int 2ah for netint.
push es ; save es around call
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax ; make es:bx point to scb in data seg
mov ax,exnbios ; funct 4 execute netbios, for Int 2ah
int netint ; use NetBios interrupt
pop es ; saved registers
ret ; exit with status in ax
; Start a TCP/IP Telnet session. Set nettype if successful.
tcpstart proc near
mov bx,offset tcpdata ; pass near pointer to msntni.asm
call dword ptr tcponptr ; call ktcpstart
cmp ax,2 ; successful?
je tcpstart1 ; e = yes
call tcpclose
stc ; fail
tcpstart1:mov pcnet,2
or nettype,tcpnet ; say a session is active
tcpstart endp
; Close/shutdown/terminate a TCP/IP Telnet session
tcpclose proc near
call dword ptr tcpoffptr ; call ktcpstop
and nettype,not tcpnet ; clear activity flag
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready
mov pcnet,0 ; say no network
call serrst ; reset the serial port for reiniting
cmp ax,1 ; successful?
je tcpclo2 ; e = yes
tcpclo1:stc ; fail
tcpclose endp
; Make a NetBios virtual circuit Session, given preset scb's from proc chknet.
; For Server mode, does a Listen to '*', otherwise does a Call to indicated
; remote node. Updates vcid number in scb's. Shows success or fail msg.
; Updates network status byte pcnet to 2 if session is established.
; Does nothing if a session is active upon entry; otherwise, does a network
; hangup first to clear old session material from adapter board. This is
; the second procedure to call in initializing the network for usage.
SETNET PROC NEAR ; NetBios, make a connection
cmp lposted,1 ; Listen pending?
je setne0 ; e = yes, exit now
cmp pcnet,1 ; session active?
jbe setne1 ; be = no
setne0: ret
; No Session
setne1: call nethangup ; clear old session material
test flags.remflg,dserver ; Server mode?
jz setne2 ; z = no, file xfer or Connect
; Server mode, post a Listen (async)
mov lsn.scb_rname,'*' ; accept anyone
mov ax,500
call pcwait ; 0.5 sec wait
mov lposted,1 ; set listen interlock flag
mov lsn.scb_cmd,nlisten+nowait ; do LISTEN command, no wait
push bx ; save reg
mov bx,offset lsn
call session
pop bx
setne2: ; Non-server (Client) mode
test nettype,starlan ; STARLAN?
jz setne2a ; z = no
cmp xmt.scb_vrlen,0 ; yes, using long name support?
je setne2a ; e = no
push es ; save reg
push ds
pop es ; make es:bx point to xmt scb
push bx ; save reg
mov bx,offset xmt ; use xmt scb for the call
mov xmt.scb_cmd,ncall ; CALL_ISN, vrname + vrlen are ready
int 5bh ; STARLAN CALL Int 5bh, wait
pop bx
pop es ; restore regs
jmp short setne3 ; finish up
; Regular Netbios Call
setne2a:cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; Opennet network? (FGR)
jne setne2b ; ne = no
mov xmt.scb_rname+15,'v' ; fix name to use VT port under nameserver
mov rcv.scb_rname+15,'v'
setne2b:mov xmt.scb_cmd,ncall ; CALL, wait for answer
push bx ; save reg
mov bx,offset xmt ; setup scb pointer
call session
pop bx ; restore register
setne3: ; common Call completion, show status
test xmt.scb_err,0ffh ; is there a non-zero return code?
jnz setne3a ; nz = yes, do bad return
or al,al ; check error return
jnz setne3b ; nz = bad connection
jmp short setne4 ; good connection so far
; We try twice to allow for R1, and R3
; versions of the nameservers
setne3b:cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; Opennet netnork? (FGR)
jne setne3a ; ne = no
mov xmt.scb_rname+15,' ' ; try generic port under nameserver
mov rcv.scb_rname+15,' '
; Regular Netbios Call
mov xmt.scb_cmd,ncall ; CALL, wait for answer
mov bx,offset xmt ; setup scb pointer
call session
; common Call completion, show status
test xmt.scb_err,0ffh ; is there a non-zero return code?
jnz setne3a ; nz = yes, do bad return
or al,al ; check error return
jz setne4 ; z = good connection so far
setne3a:mov dx,offset nbadset ; say can't reach remote node
mov ah,prstr
int dos
call saynode ; show remote host node name
jmp short setne4c
; keep results of Call (vcid)
setne4: mov al,xmt.scb_vcid ; local session number
mov rcv.scb_vcid,al ; for receiver too
mov can.scb_vcid,al ; for sending Breaks
mov pcnet,2 ; say session has started
; Here is the real difference between Opennet and generic Netbios.
; The Opennet Virtual Terminal Services exchange a small handshake at connect
; time. After that it is just normal Netbios data transfer between the host
; and Kermit.
cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; Opennet netnork? (FGR)
jne setne4o ; ne = no
push si
push di
mov si,offset ivt1str ; protocol string "iVT1\0"
mov di,offset xmtbufx ; buffer
call strcpy ; copy asciiz string
mov xmtcnt,5 ; length of asciiz string, for send
pop di
pop si
call send ; send signon packet
; Note to Opennet purists: this just sends the handshake string to the host
; system without checking for an appropriate response. Basically, I am just
; very willing to talk to ANY VT server, and do the host response checking
; (if desired) in a Kermit script file (so its optional).
test flags.remflg,dregular+dquiet ; regular or quiet display?
jnz setne4c ; nz = yes, show only no-connect msg
mov dx,offset ngodset ; say good connection
mov ah,prstr
int dos
call saynode ; show remote host name
setne4c:cmp pcnet,1 ; check connection again
ja setne5 ; a = good so far
stc ; set carry for failure
setne5: clc ; carry clear for success
saynode proc near ; display node name on screen, si=name ptr
push ax
push cx
push dx
push si
mov ah,conout
mov si,offset nambuf ; remote node string
mov cx,64 ; up to 64 bytes long
lodsb ; get remote node name char into al
mov dl,al
int dos ; display it
cmp al,' ' ; was it a space?
jbe saynod2 ; be = yes, quit here
loop saynod1 ; do all chars
saynod2:mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
saynode endp
LPOST PROC FAR ; Interrupt Post routine for Listen call
push ds ; update vcid and calling node name in scb's
push cx
push es
push si
push di
mov cx,data ; reestablish data segment
mov ds,cx
mov es,cx
mov si,offset lsn.scb_rname ; copy remote name to rcv and xmt scbs
push si
mov di,offset rcv.scb_rname
mov cx,8 ; 16 byte field
rep movsw
mov cx,8
pop si
push si
mov di,offset xmt.scb_rname
rep movsw
mov cx,8
pop si
mov di,offset nambuf ; and to nambuf for display
rep movsw
mov cl,lsn.scb_vcid ; local session number
mov rcv.scb_vcid,cl
mov xmt.scb_vcid,cl
mov can.scb_vcid,cl
mov lposted,0 ; clear interlock flag
mov pcnet,2 ; say net ready due to a Listen
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop cx
pop ds
iret ; return from interrupt
NETHANGUP PROC NEAR ; disconnect network session, keep names
mov al,flags.comflg ; get type of port
cmp al,'U' ; Ungermann-Bass port? [ohl]
je nethang2 ; e = yes [ohl]
cmp al,'W' ; Novell?
je nethang2 ; e = yes
cmp al,'C' ; 3Com BAPI interface?
je nethang2 ; e = yes
cmp al,'D' ; DECnet?
je nethang3 ; e = yes
cmp al,'T' ; Novell TELAPI?
je nethang3 ; e = yes
cmp al,'t' ; TCP/IP?
jne nethang1c ; ne = no
jmp nethang6
nethang1c:cmp al,'E' ; EBIOS?
jne nethang1b ; ne = no
jmp nethang8 ; e = yes
nethang1b:cmp al,'I' ; TES?
jne nethang1a ; ne = no
jmp teshang
cmp pcnet,0 ; network started?
jne nethang1d ; ne = yes
nethang1d:push bx ; NetBios network
mov bx,offset can
mov can.scb_cmd,ncancel ; set cancel op code
mov can.scb_baddr,offset lsn ; cancel listens
mov lposted,0 ; say no listen
call session
mov can.scb_baddr,offset rcv ; cancel receives
call session
mov rposted,0 ; say no receives posted
mov can.scb_baddr,offset xmt ; cancel sends
call session
mov sposted,0 ; say no sends posted
mov xmtcnt,0 ; reset output buffer counter
mov xmt.scb_cmd,nhangup ; hangup, and wait for completion
mov bx,offset xmt
call session
pop bx
jmp nethang7
; UB network [ohl] +++
nethang2:call ubclose ; close connection if any [ohl]
mov xmtcnt,0
ret ; [ohl] ---
nethang3:test nettype,declat ; DECnet LAT active?
jz nethang4 ; z = no
mov dx,lathand ; LAT handle
or dx,dx ; invalid handle?
jz nethang3b ; z = yes
mov ax,latclose
int latint
mov ax,latseg ; allocated memory segment
or ax,ax ; was it used?
jz nethang3a ; z = no
mov dx,lathand
mov ax,latstat ; get status of session
int latint
test ah,4 ; session not active bit set?
jz nethang3b ; z = no, keep the buffer
push es
mov ax,latseg
mov es,ax
mov ah,freemem ; free allocated memory segment @ES
int dos ; free the block
pop es
mov latseg,0 ; clear remembered segment address
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,0 ; clear this pointer (same as latseg)
nethang3a:cmp word ptr latscbptr+2,0 ; any pointer?
je nethang3b ; e = no
cmp latversion,4 ; version 4?
jb nethang3b ; b = no
push es
les bx,latscbptr
mov dx,lathand
mov ax,latscbfree ; free SCB interior to LAT
int latint
mov word ptr latscbptr+2,0
pop es
and nettype,not declat ; remove net type bit
mov lathand,0 ; invalidate the handle
nethang4:test nettype,decnet ; DEC CTERM active?
jz nethang5 ; z = no
mov dx,decneth ; DECnet CTERM handle
or dx,dx ; invalid handle?
jz nethang7 ; z = yes
mov ax,dclose ; CTERM close
int decint
mov decneth,0 ; invalidate the handle
mov ax,decseg ; allocated memory segment
or ax,ax ; ever used?
jz nethang5a ; z = no
mov es,ax
mov ah,freemem ; free allocated memory segment @ES
int dos ; free the block
mov decseg,0 ; clear remembered segment address
nethang5a:and nettype,not decnet ; remove net type bit
jmp short nethang7
nethang5:test nettype,telapi ; Novell TELAPI?
jz nethang6 ; e = no
mov xmtcnt,0
push bx
mov bx,telses ; session number
mov ah,telclose ; close session
call tes_service
pop bx
or ax,ax ; status
js nethang7 ; s = error
and nettype,not telapi ; remove net type bit
jmp short nethang7
nethang6:test nettype,tcpnet ; TCP Telnet?
jz nethang7 ; z = no
call tcpclose ; close the system
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready
mov pcnet,1 ; say network but no session
call serrst ; reset the serial port for reiniting
nethang8:mov dx,ebport ; EBIOS
mov ax,ebmodem*256+0 ; reset outgoing DTR and RTS leads
int rs232
mov ah,ebredir ; do redirect away from EBIOS
mov ebcoms+1,0 ; set port to hardware
int rs232
jmp short nethang7
; TES hangup session
teshang proc near
mov temp,0 ; retry counter
teshan1:call tesstate ; get session state to AH
test ah,2 ; is this session active?
jz teshan3 ; z = no, but keep held sessions
mov ah,tesdrop ; drop a session
mov al,tesses ; the session
call tes_service
or ah,ah ; status
jz teshan3 ; z = success
stc ; say failure
teshan3:and nettype,not tes ; successful hangup
mov tesses,0 ; clear session
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready
mov pcnet,1 ; say network but no session
call serrst ; reset the serial port for reiniting
teshang endp
; Ungermann Bass. Do a disconnect from the current connection.
ubclose proc near
push ax
push cx
test nettype,netone ; UB network has been activated?
jz ubclos4 ; z = no
mov ax, ncistat ; get status [ohl]
int netci
or ch,ch ; check if we have a connection [ohl]
jz ubclos2 ; z = no [ohl]
mov ax, ncicont ; control function [ohl]
mov cx, ncidis ; say disconnect [ohl]
int netci
ubclos1:call ubrecv ; read response from net cmdintpr[ohl]
jnc ubclos1 ; continue till no chars [ohl]
mov ax, ncistat ; get status again
int netci
or ch,ch ; check if we have a connection
jnz ubclos3 ; nz = yes, had more than one
ubclos2:and nettype,not netone ; remove network type
mov pcnet,1 ; net but no connection
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say the comms port is not ready
ubclos3:pop cx
pop ax
ubclos4:test nettype,bapi+tcpnet ; 3Com BAPI or TCP Telnet in use?
jz ubclos3 ; z = no
mov ah,bapieecm ; control Enter Command Mode char
mov al,1 ; enable it
int bapiint
test nettype,tcpnet ; TCP Telnet?
jz ubclos3 ; z = no
call tcpclose ; close this way too
jmp short ubclos3
ubclose endp
; Ungermann Bass/Novell. Put current connection on Hold. Requires keyboard
; verb \knethold to activate. Should return to Connect mode to see NASI. [jrd]
ubhold proc near
push ax
push cx
test nettype,netone ; UB/Novell network active?
jz ubhold1 ; z = no
mov ax,ncistat ; get link status
int netci
or ch,ch ; connection active?
jz ubhold1 ; z = no
mov ax,ncicont ; control command
mov cl,ncihld ; place circuit on HOLD
int netci
jmp short ubhold3
ubhold1:test nettype,bapi+tcpnet ; 3Com BAPI or TCP Telnet?
jz ubhold2 ; z = no
mov ah,bapiecm ; do Enter Command Mode char
int bapiint
jmp short ubhold3
ubhold2:test nettype,tes ; TES?
jz ubhold3 ; z = no
mov ah,testalk ; TES get command interpreter
mov dx,tesport ; "serial port"
int rs232
ubhold3:pop cx
pop dx
ubhold endp
; Called when Kermit exits. Name passed to mssker by initialization lclini
; in word lclexit.
NETCLOSE PROC NEAR ; close entire network connection
call nethangup ; close connections
netclo1:cmp lnamestat,2 ; local Netbios name present?
jb netclo2 ; b = no
push bx
mov bx,offset xmt
mov xmt.scb_cmd,ndelete ; delete our local Kermit name
call session ; from net adapter board
pop bx
mov pcnet,0 ; say no network
mov lnamestat,1 ; local name present, inactive
mov portn.portrdy,0 ; say comms port is not ready
and nettype,not netbios ; remove network kind
; Start connection process to network. Obtains Network board local name
; and appends '.K' to form Kermit's local name (removed when Kermit exits).
; If no local name is present then use name 'mskermit.K'.
; Sets local name in scb's for xmt, rcv, lsn. (Does not need DOS 3.x)
; Sets NETDONE pointer to procedure netclose for Kermit exit.
; Verifies existance of interrupt 5ch support, verifies vendor specific
; support for BREAK and other features, sets network type bit in nettype,
; sets BREAK support in nsbrk, hangsup old session if new node name given,
; fills in local and remote node names and name number in scbs (including ISN
; names for STARLAN), and sets network status byte pcnet to 0 (no net) or
; to 1 (net ready). This is the first procedure called to init network usage.
; Byte count of new host name is in temp from COMS.
chknet proc near
cmp flags.comflg,'U' ; Ungermann Bass network?
jb chknea ; b = no, (ae includes U and W)
mov pcnet,0 ; force reactivation of UB net
chknea: cmp pcnet,2 ; session active now?
jb chknec ; b = no
cmp newnambuf,0 ; non-zero if new destination name
je chkneb ; e = none, resume old session
call chknew ; Resume current session?
jnc chkneb ; nc = no
chknex: ret ; resume old one
chkneb: jmp chknet1 ; skip presence tests
chknec: ; setup addresses and clear junk in scb's
cmp pcnet,0 ; have we been here already?
je chkned ; e = no
jmp chknet1 ; yes, skip init part
chkned: mov xmtcnt,0 ; say buffer is empty
mov nsbrk,0 ; assume no BREAK across network
and nettype,not netbios ; say no NetBios network yet
call chknetbios ; is Netbios present?
jc chknet0 ; c = not present
or nettype,netbios ; say have NetBios network
call chkstarlan ; is AT&T StarLAN present?
jc chknet1 ; c = no
or nettype,starlan ; say using STARLAN, have int 2ah
mov nsbrk,1 ; network BREAK supported
jmp short chknet1
chknet0:mov pcnet,0 ; no network yet
push dx
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say network is not available
int dos
pop dx
stc ; set carry for failure
ret ; and exit now
; net ready to operate
chknet1:mov portn.portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
cmp newnambuf,0 ; non-zero if new destination name
jne chkne1e ; ne = new name given
jmp chknet2 ; nothing, so leave names intact
chkne1e:cmp pcnet,2 ; is session active now?
jb chkne1d ; b = no
call nethangup ; hangup net to clear old connection
chkne1d:push si ; start fresh connection
push di
push es
push ds
pop es ; make es:di point to data segment
mov cx,8 ; 16 bytes for a node name
mov ax,' ' ; first, fill with spaces
mov di,offset xmt.scb_rname ; remote name field, clear it
rep stosw
test nettype,starlan ; STARLAN?
jz chkne1b ; z = no
; begin STARLAN section
mov xmt.scb_vrname,0 ; STARLAN var length name ptr
mov xmt.scb_vrname+2,0 ; segement of name
mov xmt.scb_vrlen,0 ; and its length
mov di,offset nambuf ; source of text
mov dx,di
call strlen ; length of new name to cx
cmp cx,16 ; > 16 chars in remote node name?
ja chkne1a ; a = yes, too long for Netbios
mov al,'/' ; scan for slashes in name
repne scasb ; look for the slash
jne chkne1b ; ne = none, do regular Netbios name storage
chkne1a: ; STARLAN ISN long remote name support
mov dx,offset nambuf ; STARLAN var length name ptr
mov xmt.scb_vrname,dx
mov xmt.scb_vrname+2,data ; segment of remote name
call strlen ; get name length again (in cx)
mov xmt.scb_vrlen,cl ; indicate its length
jmp short chkne1c ; copy blanks in remote name field
; end STARLAN section
chkne1b: ; Regular Netbios form
mov si,offset nambuf ; source of text
mov dx,si
call strlen ; length to cx
cmp cx,16
jbe chkne1f ; be = in bounds
mov cx,16 ; chop to 16 (prespace filled above)
chkne1f:mov di,offset xmt.scb_rname ; destination is remote name
rep movsb ; copy text to transmitter's scb
chkne1c:mov cx,8 ; 8 words
mov si,offset xmt.scb_rname ; from here
mov di,offset rcv.scb_rname ; to receiver's scb also
rep movsw
pop es
pop di
pop si
mov newnambuf,0 ; say new name is established now
chknet2:cmp pcnet,0 ; started net?
je chknet2c ; e = no
ret ; else quit here
chknet2c:call setnbname ; establish local Netbios name
jnc chknet9 ; nc = success
chknet9:mov pcnet,1 ; network is present (but not active)
mov al,xmt.scb_num ; name number
mov rcv.scb_num,al
mov lsn.scb_num,al
push es
push si
push di
mov si,ds
mov es,si
mov si,offset xmt.scb_lname
mov di,offset rcv.scb_lname ; put in receiver scb too
mov cx,8
rep movsw
mov cx,8
mov si,offset xmt.scb_lname
mov di,offset lsn.scb_lname ; in Listen scb also
rep movsw
pop si
pop di
pop es
chknet endp
; Service SET NETBIOS-NAME name command at Kermit prompt level
setnbios proc near
mov dx,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov bx,offset setnbhlp ; help
mov ah,cmword ; get netbios name
call comnd
jc setnb3 ; c = failure
push ax ; save char count
mov ah,cmeol ; get a confirmation
call comnd
pop ax
jc setnb3 ; c = failure
cmp lnamestat,2 ; is name fixed already?
je setnb2 ; e = yes
mov cx,ax ; char count
jcxz setnb3 ; z = enter no new name
cmp cx,16 ; too long?
jbe setnb1 ; be = no
mov cx,16 ; truncate to 16 chars
setnb1: mov si,offset decbuf ; work buffer
mov di,offset deflname ; default name
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
rep movsb ; copy the name
mov al,' ' ; pad with spaces
mov cx,offset deflname+16 ; stopping place+1
sub cx,di ; number of spaces to write
rep stosb ; won't do anything if cx == 0
pop es
mov lnamestat,1 ; say have new local name
call setnbname ; do the real NetBios resolution
ret ; returns carry set or clear
setnb2: mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset setnbad ; say name is fixed already
int dos
setnb3: stc ; failure
setnbios endp
chknetbios proc near ; Test for Netbios presence, IBM way
push es
mov ah,35h ; DOS get interrupt vector
mov al,netint ; the netbios vector
int dos ; returns vector in es:bx
mov ax,es
or ax,ax ; undefined interrupt?
jz chknb1 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points at IRET?
je chknb1 ; e = yes
mov xmt.scb_cmd,7fh ; presence test, 7fh is illegal command code
mov xmt.scb_err,0 ; clear response field
push bx
mov bx,offset xmt ; address of the session control block
call session ; execute operation
pop bx
mov al,xmt.scb_err ; get response
cmp al,3 ; 'illegal function', so adapter is ready
je chknb1 ; e = success
or al,al
jnz chknb2 ; nz = not "good response" either
chknb1: pop es
clc ; netbios is present
chknb2: pop es
stc ; netbios is not present
chknetbios endp
chkstarlan proc near ; AT&T STARLAN board check
push es
mov ah,35h ; DOS get interrupt vector
mov al,2ah ; PC net vector 2ah
int dos ; returns vector in es:bx
mov ax,es
or ax,ax ; undefined interrupt?
jz chkstar1 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points at IRET?
je chkstar1 ; e = yes
xor ah,ah ; vendor installation check on int 2ah
xor al,al ; do error retry
int 2ah ; session level interrupt
cmp ah,0ddh ; 0ddh = magic number, success?
jne chkstar1 ; ne = no
; Test for vector
mov ah,35h ; DOS get interrupt vector
mov al,5bh ; 5bh = STARLAN netbios ext'd vector
int dos ; returns vector in es:bx
mov ax,es
or ax,ax ; undefined interrupt?
jz chkstar1 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points to IRET?
je chkstar1 ; e = yes
pop es
clc ; StarLAN is present
chkstar1:pop es
stc ; StarLAN is not present
chkstarlan endp
; Put a local name into the Netbios name table, ask user if conflicts.
setnbname proc near
cmp lnamestat,2 ; validiated local Netbios name?
jb setnbn1 ; b = no
ret ; else quit here
setnbn1:call chknetbios ; Netbios presence check
jnc setnbn1a ; nc = present
setnbn1a:mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset netmsg1 ; say checking node name
int dos
push word ptr xmt.scb_rname ; save first two bytes (user spec)
mov byte ptr xmt.scb_rname,'*' ; call to local name
push bx
mov xmt.scb_cmd,naustat ; get Network Adapter Unit status
mov bx,offset xmt
call session
pop bx
pop word ptr xmt.scb_rname ; restore remote name first two bytes
setnbn2:push es
push si
push di
mov si,ds
mov es,si
cmp lnamestat,0 ; local name specified?
jne setnbn3 ; ne = yes
mov si,offset xmtbuf+60 ; where local name is returned (1st entry)
cmp word ptr xmtbuf+58,0 ; is local name empty?
jne setnbn4 ; ne = no, use name from table
setnbn3:mov si,offset deflname ; else use default local name
setnbn4:mov di,offset xmt.scb_lname ; where to put it in scb
mov cx,14 ; 16 bytes minus extension of '.K'
cld ; append extension of '.K' to loc name
setnbn5:cmp byte ptr[si],' ' ; find first space (end of regular node name)
jbe setnbn6 ; be = found one (or control code)
movsb ; copy local name to scb
loop setnbn5 ; continue though local name
setnbn6:cmp word ptr [di-2],'K.' ; is extension '.K' present already?
je setnbn7 ; e = yes, nothing to add
cmp word ptr [di-2],'k.' ; check lower case too
je setnbn7 ; e = yes, nothing to add
mov word ptr [di],'K.' ; append our extension of '.K'
add di,2 ; step over our new extension
sub cx,2
; complete field with spaces
setnbn7:add cx,2 ; 15th and 16th chars
mov al,' ' ; space as padding
rep stosb
pop di ; clean stack from work above
pop si
pop es
push bx ; Put our new local name in NAU
mov xmt.scb_cmd,nadd ; ADD NAME, wait
mov bx,offset xmt
call session
pop bx
mov al,xmt.scb_err ; get error code
or al,al ; success?
jnz setnbn8 ; nz = no
jmp setnbn12 ; success
setnbn8:cmp al,0dh ; duplicate name in local table?
je setnbn9 ; e = yes
cmp al,16h ; name used elsewhere?
je setnbn9 ; e = yes
cmp al,19h ; name conflict?
je setnbn9 ; e = yes
push ax
mov ah,prstr ; another kind of error
mov dx,offset chkmsg1 ; say can't construct local name
int dos
pop ax
call decout ; display it (in al)
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
stc ; set carry for failure
setnbn9:mov ah,prstr ; ask for another name
mov dx,offset chkmsg2 ; prompt message
int dos
mov ah,conout ; show name itself
push si
push cx
mov cx,16 ; 16 bytes in name field
mov si,offset xmt.scb_lname
setnbn10:lodsb ; get name char into al
mov dl,al
int dos
mov byte ptr[si-1],' ' ; clear old name as we go
loop setnbn10
pop cx
pop si
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset chkmsg3 ; rest of prompt
int dos
mov ah,0ah ; read buffered line from stdin
mov dx,offset xmtbuf+58 ; where to put text (xmtbuf+60=text)
mov xmtbuf+58,15 ; buf capacity, including cr at end
mov xmtbuf+59,0 ; say text in buffer = none
int dos
jc setnbn11 ; c = error
cmp xmtbuf+59,0 ; any bytes read?
je setnbn11 ; e = no, exit failure
mov ah,prstr ; say rechecking name
mov dx,offset netmsg1
int dos
push es
mov si,ds
mov es,si
mov si,offset xmtbuf+60 ; where text went
mov di,offset deflname ; where local name is stored
mov cx,8
rep movsw ; copy 14 chars to deflname
mov byte ptr [di],0 ; null terminator, to be safe
pop es
mov lnamestat,1 ; say local name specified
jmp setnbn2 ; go reinterpret name
setnbn11:stc ; set carry for failure
setnbn12:mov dx,offset netmsg2 ; say net is going
mov ah,prstr
int dos
push si
push di
push es
mov si,ds
mov es,si
mov si,offset xmt.scb_lname ; display our local name
mov di,offset deflname ; local Netbios name
mov ah,conout
mov cx,16
setnbn13:lodsb ; byte from si to al
stosb ; and store in local Netbios name
mov dl,al
int dos ; display it
loop setnbn13
pop es
pop di
pop si
mov lnamestat,2 ; say local name is fixed now
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset crlf ; add cr/lf
int dos
clc ; carry clear for success
setnbname endp
; Network session exists. Tell user and ask for new node or Resume.
; Returns carry set if Resume response, else carry clear for New.
chknew proc near
mov dx,offset naskpmt ; prompt for New or Resume
call prompt
mov dx,offset nettab ; table of answers
xor bx,bx ; help for the question
mov ah,cmkey ; get answer keyword
mov comand.cmcr,1 ; allow bare CR's
call comnd
mov comand.cmcr,0 ; dis-allow bare CR's
jc chknew1 ; c = failure, means Resume
push bx
mov ah,cmeol ; get a confirm
call comnd
pop bx
jc chknew1 ; c = failure, resume session
or bx,bx ; 0 for new?
je chknew1 ; e = yes, return carry clear
stc ; set carry for resume
chknew1:ret ; carry may be set
chknew endp
; ; [ohl] ++++
; Verifies existance of interrupt 6Bh support, verifies vendor specific
; support for BREAK and other features, sets network type bit in nettype,
; sets BREAK support in nsbrk and sets network status byte pcnet to 0
; (no net) or to 1 (net ready). This is the first procedure called to
; init Ungermann-Bass NETCI terminal port network usage.
chkub proc near
push bx
push es ; Test for vector
mov ah,35h ; DOS get interrupt vector
mov al,6bh ; 6bh = Net/One command interpreter
; interface, with break support
int dos ; returns vector in es:bx
mov ax,es ; is vector in rom bios?
or ax,ax ; undefined vector?
jz chkub0 ; z = yes
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0cfh ; points at IRET?
je chkub0 ; e = yes
;some mov al,0ffh ; test value (anything non-zero)
;emulators mov ah,2 ; function code for testing net board
;flunk int netci
;this or al,al ; al = 0 means board is ok
;test jnz chkub0 ; nz = not ok
pop es
pop bx
mov nsbrk,1 ; network BREAK supported
or nettype,netone ; say have Net/One
clc ; return success
chkub0: pop es ; clean stack from above
pop bx
push ax
push dx
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset nonetmsg ; say network is not available
int dos
pop dx
pop ax
stc ; set carry for failure
ret ; and exit now
chkub endp ; [ohl] ----
; local routine to see if we have to transmit an xon
chkxon proc near
cmp flowcnt,0 ; doing flow control?
je chkxo1 ; no, skip all this
test xofsnt,usron ; did user send an xoff?
jnz chkxo1 ; nz = yes, don't contradict it here
test xofsnt,bufon ; have we sent a buffer level xoff?
jz chkxo1 ; z = no, forget it
cmp count,mntrgl ; below (low water mark) trigger?
jae chkxo1 ; no, forget it
test flowcnt,2 ; using RTS/CTS kind?
jz chkxo2 ; z = no
cmp flags.comflg,4 ; using uart?
ja chkxo1 ; a = no, ignore situation
push ax
push dx
mov dx,modem.mddat ; serial port base address
add dx,4 ; increment to control register
in al,dx
or al,2 ; assert RTS for flow-on
jmp $+2
out dx,al
and xofsnt,off ; remember we've sent the "xon"
pop dx
pop ax
; do software flow control too
chkxo2: test flowcnt,1 ; using XON/XOFF kind?
jz chkxo1 ; z = no
mov ah,flowon ; ah gets xon
and xofsnt,off ; remember we've sent the xon
call outch2 ; send via non-flow controlled entry point
chkxo1: ret
chkxon endp
; IHOSTS - Initialize the host by sending XOFF, or equivalent.
; Requires that the port be initialized before hand.
; Do not send flow control if doing half duplex.
push ax ; save the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov xofrcv,off ; clear old xoff received flag
mov xofsnt,off ; and old xoff sent flag
cmp portin,0 ; is a comms port active?
jle ihosts1 ; le = no
mov bx,portval
mov ah,byte ptr [bx].flowc ; put wait flow control char in ah
or ah,ah ; check for null char
jz ihosts1 ; z = null, don't send it
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
jne ihosts1 ; ne = no, half
call outchr ; send it
ihosts1:call clrbuf ; clear out interrupt buffer
pop dx ; empty buffer. we are done here
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; IHOSTR - initialize the remote host for our reception of a file by
; sending the flow-on character (XON typically) to release any held
; data. Do not send flow control if doing half duplex.
push ax ; save regs
push bx
push cx
mov xofrcv,off ; clear old xoff received flag
mov xofsnt,off ; and old xoff sent flag
cmp portin,0 ; is a comms port active?
jle ihostr1 ; le = no
mov bx,portval
mov ah,byte ptr [bx].flowc+1; put Go-ahead flow control char in ah
or ah,ah ; check for null char
jz ihostr1 ; z = null, don't send it
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
jne ihostr1 ; ne = no, half
call outchr ; send it (release Host's output queue)
ihostr1:pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; Send a break out the current serial port. Returns normally.
; Do both regular and long Break. 6 March 1987 [jrd]
push cx ; Regular Break entry point
mov cx,275 ; 275 milliseconds in regular Break
call sendbw ; call worker routine to do it
pop cx
clc ; don't exit Connect mode
SENDBL: push cx ; Long Break entry point
mov cx,1800 ; 1.8 second long break
call sendbw ; call worker routine to do it
pop cx
clc ; don't exit Connect mode
; worker - send Break for cx millisec
sendbw: mov al,flags.comflg ; get type of port
cmp al,4 ; running on a UART or network?
ja sendbw2 ; a = yes
push dx ; UART BREAK
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; port address
in al,dx ; get current setting
push ax ; save setting on the stack
or al,brkbit ; set send-break bit(s)
out dx,al ; start the break
mov ax,cx ; # of ms to wait
call pcwait ; hold break for desired interval
pop ax ; restore Line Control Register
out dx,al ; stop the break
pop ax
sendbw2:cmp al,'N' ; is this a NetBios network port?
jne sendbw5 ; ne = no
cmp nsbrk,0 ; is network able to send a break?
je sendbw4 ; e = no
test nettype,starlan ; STARLAN: network break supported?
jz sendbw4 ; z = no
push bx
push es ; save es around call
push ds
pop es ; make es:bx point to scb in data segment
mov bx,offset can ; use Cancel control block
mov can.scb_cmd,netbrk ; send net Break command
int 5bh ; use network Break interrupt
pop es ; saved registers
pop bx
sendbw5:test nettype,ebios ; EBIOS?
jz sendbw6 ; z = no
push ax
push dx
mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
mov ah,ebbreak ; EBIOS send BREAK
int rs232 ; bios send
pop dx
pop ax
sendbw6:test nettype,netone ; UB NETCI or Novell NASI/NACS?
jz sendbw7 ; z = no [ohl]
push cx ; UB port send break [ohl]
mov ax,ncicont+0 ; call control, use 0 for network port num
mov cl,ncibrk ; request break [ohl]
int netci ; Net/One command interface int. (6Bh) [ohl]
pop cx
ret ; [ohl] ---
sendbw7:test nettype,declat ; DECnet?
jz sendbw9 ; z = no, CTERM cannot send a BREAK
mov ax,latbreak ; LAT BREAK command
push dx
mov dx,lathand ; LAT handle
int latint
pop dx
sendbw9:test nettype,bapi+tcpnet ; 3Com BAPI or TCP Telnet?
jz sendbw10 ; z = no
mov ah,bapibrk ; BAPI, send BREAK
xor dh,dh ; session id of 0 (external sessions)
int bapiint
sendbw10:test nettype,telapi ; Novell TELAPI?
jz sendbw11 ; z = no
mov ah,255 ; Telnet Interpret As Command char
call outchr ; send it
mov ah,244 ; Telnet Interrupt Process char
call outchr ; send it
sendbw11:test nettype,tes ; TES?
jz sendbw12 ; z = no
mov ah,testalk ; get command interpreter
mov dx,tesport
int rs232
; Initialization for using serial port. This routine performs
; any initialization necessary for using the serial port, including
; setting up interrupt routines, setting buffer pointers, etc.
; Doing this twice in a row should be harmless (this version checks
; a flag and returns if initialization has already been done).
; SERRST below should restore any interrupt vectors that this changes.
; Revised slightly by Joe R. Doupnik 22 Dec 1985 to prevent interrupts
; being enabled until we're done, to stop interrupts from occurring when
; TX holding buffer becomes empty (a useless interrupt for us), and to
; shorten the time between enabling interrupts and our exit.
; Returns carry clear if success, else carry set.
; 9 July 1989 Add support for 16550/A 14 char receiver fifo.
call pcwtst ; recalibrate pcwait loop timer
cmp portin,0 ; did we initialize port already?
je serin5 ; e = yes
jl serin0 ; l = no, not yet
jmp serin4 ; yes, update flow and leave
serin0: mov bl,flags.comflg ; pass current port ident
mov portin,0 ; say have been here once
call comstrt ; do SET PORT now
jnc serin5 ; nc = success
ret ; failed, exit now
serin5: push bx
mov bx,portval
mov bl,[bx].duplex ; get full/half duplex flag, local cpy
mov dupflg,bl
pop bx
cmp flags.comflg,4 ; UART?
jbe serin2 ; be = yes, real thing
jmp serin3 ; else try other port kinds
serin2: push bx
push es
mov dx,modem.mdmintc ; interrupt controller
inc dx ; look at interrupt mask
in al,dx ; get interrupt mask
mov savirq,al ; save state here for restoration
or al,modem.mddis ; inhibit our IRQ
out dx,al
mov al,byte ptr modem.mdintv ; desired interrupt vector
mov ah,35H ; Int 21H, function 35H = Get Vector
int dos ; get vector into es:bx
mov word ptr savsci,bx ; save address offset of original vector
mov word ptr savsci+2,es ; and its segment
mov al,byte ptr modem.mdintv ; interrupt number for IRQ
mov dx,offset serint ; offset of our interrupt routine
push ds ; save ds around next DOS call
mov bx,cs ; compose full address of our routine
mov ds,bx ; segment is the code segment
mov ah,25H ; set interrupt address from ds:dx
int dos
pop ds
mov al,rs232 ; interrupt number for Bios serial port
mov ah,35H ; get vector into es:bx
int dos
mov word ptr sav232,bx ; save offset
mov word ptr sav232+2,es ; save segment
mov dx,offset serdum ; offset of our interrupt routine
push ds ; save ds around next DOS call
mov bx,cs ; compose full address of our routine
mov ds,bx ; segment is the code segment
mov ah,25H ; set interrupt address from ds:dx
int dos
pop ds
pop es
pop bx
mov portin,1 ; Remember port has been initialized
mov ax,modem.mdstat
mov mst,ax ; Use this address for status
mov ax,modem.mddat
mov mdat,ax ; Use this address for data
mov ax,modem.mdiir
mov miir,ax ; uart interrupt ident register
cli ; Disable interrupts
cld ; Do increments in string operations
mov al,modem.mdmeoi
mov mdeoi,al ; Use to signify end-of-interrupt
mov dx,modem.mdmintc ; interrupt controller cntl address
mov mdintc,dx
inc dx ; access OCW1, interrupt mask byte
in al,dx ; get 8259 interrupt mask
and al,modem.mden ; enable IRQ. (bit=0 means enable)
out dx,al ; rewrite interrupt mask byte
mov dx,modem.mdcom ; set up serial card Line Control Reg
in al,dx ; get present settings
mov savlcr,al ; save them for restoration
mov al,3 ; 8 data bits. DLAB = 0
out dx,al
mov dx,modem.mddat
inc dx ; int enable reg (03f9)
in al,dx
mov savier,al ; save for restoration
mov dx,modem.mdiir ; Interrupt Ident reg (03fah)
in al,dx ; read current setting
mov al,087h ; 8 byte trigger (80), reset fifos (2/4), Rx fifo(1)
out dx,al
jmp $+2
in al,dx ; read back iir
and al,0c0h ; select BOTH fifo bits: 16550A vs 16550 (bad fifo)
cmp al,0c0h ; are both fifo enabled bits set?
je serin2b ; e = yes, rcvr fifo is ok (16550/A)
xor al,al ; else turn off fifo mode (16550/etc)
out dx,al
serin2b:mov dx,modem.mddat ; data and command port, read and flush any
in al,dx ; char in UART's receive buffer
inc dx ; interrupt enable register 3f9h
mov al,1 ; set up interrupt enable register
out dx,al ; for Data Available only
jmp $+2
add dx,3 ; modem control register 3fch
in al,dx ; read original
mov savstat,al ; save original
mov al,0bh ; assert DTR, RTS, not OUT1, and OUT2
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
je serin2c ; e = yes
mov al,9h ; assert DTR, not RTS, not OUT1, OUT2
serin2c:out dx,al ; OUT2 high turns on interrupt driver chip
jmp serin4 ; finish up
serin3: cmp flags.comflg,'N' ; NetBios?
je serin3o ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; Opennet Network? (FGR)
jne serin3a ; ne = no
serin3o:cmp pcnet,2 ; already going?
jne serin3p ; ne = no
jmp serin4 ; e = yes
serin3p:call setnet ; setup network session and pcnet flag
jc serin3q
jmp serin4 ; nc = success
serin3q:ret ; fail, carry set, leave portin at 0
serin3a:cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; using EBIOS?
jne serin3b ; ne = no
mov bx,offset ebcoms ; es:bx to ebcoms structure
mov ebcoms+1,80h ; force a network connection
mov ah,ebredir ; do redirection
xor al,al
mov dx,ebport
int rs232
or ax,ax
jz serin3e ; ax = 0 is success
stc ; fail
serin3e:mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
mov bx,offset source ; receive buffer for EBIOS
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax ; set es:bx to the buffer address
mov cx,bufsiz ; set cx to buffer's length
mov ax,ebbufset*256+2 ; set rcvr buffered mode
int rs232
mov ax,ebmodem*256+3 ; set outgoing DTR and RTS modem leads
int rs232 ; and ignore incoming leads
mov pcnet,1
pop es
serin3b:cmp flags.comflg,'D' ; DECnet?
jne serin3c ; ne = no
call decstrt ; reinit
jnc serin4 ; nc = success
ret ; fail, carry set, leave portin at 0
serin3c:cmp flags.comflg,'T' ; Novell TELAPI?
jne serin3d ; ne = no
cmp pcnet,2 ; going already?
je serin4 ; e = yes
call telstrt ; start Telnet session
jnc serin4 ; nc = success
call nethangup
ret ; fail, leave portin at 0
serin3d:cmp flags.comflg,'I' ; TES?
jne serin3f ; ne = no
call tesstrt ; start a TES session
jnc serin4 ; nc = success
mov ax,2000 ; pause 2 sec for any msg
call pcwait
serin3f:cmp flags.comflg,'t' ; TCP/IP?
jne serin4 ; ne = no
call tcpstart ; start TCP connection
jnc serin4
call nethangup
ret ; fail
serin4: push bx
mov bx,portval ; get port data structure
mov [bx].portrdy,1 ; say the comms port is ready
mov parmsk,0ffh ; parity mask, assume parity is None
cmp [bx].parflg,parnon ; is it None?
je serin1 ; e = yes
mov parmsk,07fh ; no, pass lower 7 bits as data
serin1: xor ax,ax
mov al,[bx].floflg ; flow control kind
mov flowcnt,al ; save here for active use
mov ax,[bx].flowc ; get flow control chars
serin1a:mov flowoff,al ; xoff or null
mov flowon,ah ; xon or null
mov xofrcv,off ; clear xoff received flag
pop bx
mov quechar,0 ; clear outchr queued flow control
mov portin,1 ; say initialized
clc ; carry clear for success
ret ; We're done
; Reset the serial port. This is the opposite of serini. Calling
; this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless.
; Moved push/pop es code to do quicker exit before interrupts enabled. [jrd]
; Returns normally.
; 22 June 1986 Leave OUT1 low to avoid resetting Hayes 1200B's. [jrd]
; 21 Feb 1987 Add support for Bios calls [jrd]
; 17 May 1987 Redo for COM3/4 support [jrd]
; 9 July 1989 Accomodate 16550/A receiver fifo mode. [jrd]
cmp portin,0 ; Reset already?
jg srst3 ; g = no
ret ; e = yes, l=not used yet, just leave
srst3: cmp flags.comflg,'0' ; Bios or networks?
jb srst4 ; b = no, real UART
jmp srst1 ; nz = yes (Bios or Net)
srst4: push word ptr savsci ; save original interrupt owner
push word ptr savsci+2 ; offset and segment
mov word ptr savsci,offset nulint ; redirect to our null routine
mov ax,cs ; segment of null routine is code
mov word ptr savsci+2,ax
xor cx,cx ; loop counter
srst2: mov dx,modem.mdstat ; status register
in al,dx
jmp $+2 ; chip access delay
and al,60h ; Shift Reg Empty & Holding Reg Empty
cmp al,60h ; are both set?
loopne srst2 ; ne = no, wait until so (or timeout)
xor al,al
mov dx,modem.mdiir ; modem Interrupt Ident reg (03fah)
out dx,al ; turn off FIFO mode
jmp $+2
dec dx ; point at int enable reg 3f9h
out dx,al ; disable interrupts from this source
jmp $+2 ; let stray interrupts occur now
jmp $+2
add dx,2 ; point at Line Control Register 3fbh
mov al,savlcr ; saved bit pattern
and al,not 80h ; force DLAB bit to 0
out dx,al ; restore line control state
; clear modem's delta status bits and reassert DTR etc
inc dx ; increment to modem control register 3fch
;;;;; mov al,03h ; reassert DTR,RTS,but not OUT1 and not OUT2
mov al,savstat ; saved modem control reg (03fch)
or al,3 ; ensure DTR and RTS are asserted
cmp dupflg,0 ; full duplex?
je srst2a ; e = yes
xor cx,cx
push dx ; save dx around test below
srst2b: mov dx,modem.mdstat ; modem line status reg
in al,dx ; read transmitter shift reg empty bit
jmp $+2
jmp $+2
jmp $+2 ; wait for char to be sent
test al,40h ; is it empty?
loopz srst2b ; z = no, not yet
pop dx
mov al,savstat ; saved modem control reg
or al,1 ; assert DTR
and al,not 2 ; unassert RTS
;;;; mov al,1 ; reassert DTR but not RTS, OUT1, OUT2
srst2a: out dx,al ; restore modem control reg (03fch)
jmp $+2 ; pause, in case stray interrupt is generated
jmp $+2 ; which is more than likely, hence nulint.
add dx,2 ; modem status register 3feh
in al,dx ; clear status register by reading it
jmp $+2
mov mdmhand,al ; save here for Show Modem
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov dx,modem.mdmintc
inc dx
in al,dx ; Interrupt controller int mask
or al,modem.mddis ; inhibit our IRQ line
jmp $+2
out dx,al
pop word ptr savsci+2 ; recover original int owner's addr
pop word ptr savsci
;;; sti ; replace original IRQ intrpt vector
push bx
mov al,byte ptr modem.mdintv ; vector number to do
mov dx,word ptr savsci ; offset part
push ds
mov bx,word ptr savsci+2 ; segment part
mov ds,bx ; ds:dx has interrupt vector
mov ah,25H ; set interrupt vector
int dos ; replaced
pop ds
mov al,rs232 ; Bios serial port interrupt vector to restore
mov dx,word ptr sav232 ; offset part
push ds
mov bx,word ptr sav232+2 ; segment part
mov ds,bx
mov ah,25h ; set interrupt vector
int dos
pop ds
pop bx
mov ah,savirq ; saved Interrupt state
and ah,modem.mddis ; pick out our IRQ bit
mov dx,modem.mdmintc ; interrupt controller cntl address
inc dx
in al,dx ; get current intrpt controller state
jmp $+2
and al,modem.mden ; set our bit to zero
or al,ah ; set previous state of our IRQ
out dx,al ; reset IRQ to original state
mov dx,modem.mddat ; base address, 03f8h
inc dx ; Interrupt Enable Eeg (03f9h)
mov al,savier ; saved IER
out dx,al ; restore setting
jmp short srst8
; non-UART processes
srst1: cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; using EBIOS?
jne srst6 ; ne = no
mov dx,ebport ; port 0..3
mov ah,ebcontrol ; do a Regain Control operation
int rs232
srst1a: mov ax,ebbufcnt*256+2 ; see if rcvr buffer has chars already
int rs232
jcxz srst8 ; z = no, ok to reset buffering
mov ah,ebrcv ; do receive /nowait to clear buff
int rs232
jmp short srst1a ; repeat til empty
srst6: cmp pcnet,0 ; a network active?
je srst8 ; e = no
cmp flags.comflg,'O' ; Opennet network? (FGR)
je srst7 ; e = yes
cmp flags.comflg,'N' ; NetBios network?
jne srst8 ; ne = no
srst7: cmp rposted,0 ; receive outstanding?
je srst8 ; e = no
mov can.scb_baddr,offset rcv ; cancel receives
push bx
mov bx,offset can
call session
pop bx
mov rposted,0 ; clear interlock flag no matter what
srst8: mov portin,0 ; reset flag
push bx
mov bx,portval ; port data structure
mov [bx].portrdy,0 ; say port is not ready
pop bx
mov quechar,0 ; clear any outchr queued char
; Null interrupt routine, to handle strays
nulint proc near
push ax
push dx
mov al,mdeoi ; specific EOI
mov dx,mdintc ; interrupt controller control word
out dx,al
test dl,80h ; slave controller?
jz nulint1 ; z = no
mov al,20h ; general EOI
out 20h,al ; EOI to master 8259
nulint1:pop dx
pop ax
nulint endp
; Dummy Interrupt 14H to defeat DOS interference with serial port when CTTY
; and Kermit use the port simultaneously. If ports differ then chain DOS to
; original Int 14H Bios code. Else return dummy status=ok reports and
; Backspace for Read, ignore char for Write.
; Entered with AH = function request, AL = char to be sent, DX = com port num
; CS is our code segment, DS is DOS's, SS is ours or DOS's, interrupts off.
; 25 June 1987 [jrd]
push ds ; preserve all registers
push ax
mov ax,seg data ; get our data segment
mov ds,ax
mov al,flags.comflg ; get port id (COM1 = 1, COM2 = 2)
and al,7 ; use lower three bits
dec al ; DOS counts COM1 as 0, etc
mov dosctty,0 ; assume DOS not using our comms line
cmp dl,al ; referencing same port as Kermit is using?
pop ax ; recover request parameters
jne serdu1 ; ne = no, chain to Bios routine
mov dosctty,1 ; say DOS is using our comms line
pop ds
cmp ah,1 ; send char in al?
jb serdu3 ; b = no, init, return dummy status=ok
ja serdu2 ; a = no, other
mov ah,60h ; yes, set line status=ok in ah
serdu2: cmp ah,2 ; receive char (and wait for it)?
jne serdu3 ; ne = no, return dummy report
mov al,BS ; yes, return ascii BS to DOS
xor ah,ah ; ah = errors (none here)
serdu3: mov ax,60b0h ; dummy status report:xmtr empty, CD,
iret ; DSR, and CTS are on
serdu1: pop tempdum ; save old ds
push word ptr sav232+2 ; push Bios int 14H handler segment
push word ptr sav232 ; push Bios int 14H handler offset
push tempdum ; recover old ds
pop ds
ret ; do a ret far (chain to Bios)
; Serial port interrupt routine. This is not accessible outside this
; module, handles serial port receiver interrupts.
; Revised on 22 May 1986, again 2 August 1986 to run at 38.4kb on PC's.
; Srcpnt holds offset, within buffer Source, where next rcv'd char goes.
; Count is number of chars now in buffer, and oldest char is srcpnt-count
; done modulo size of Source. All pointer management is handled here.
; Control-G char substituted for char(s) lost in overrun condition.
; Upgraded to read cause of interrupt from interrupt ident reg (accepts only
; data ready), chain to old interrupt if source is not our device.
; 9 Feb 1988 Add storage of interrupt cause in intkind. [jrd]
; 9 July 1989 Add support for 16550/A 14 char receiver fifo.
push ax ; save registers
push dx ;
push ds
mov ax,seg data
mov ds,ax ; address data segment
mov dx,miir ; modem interrupt ident reg
in al,dx ; get interrupt cause
mov intkind,al ; save cause here
test al,1 ; interrupt available if this bit is zero
jz srintc ; z = interrupt is from our source
pop tempsci ; save old ds
pop dx ; clean the stack and prepare for ret far
pop ax ; to old int handler (same as a jump there)
push word ptr savsci+2 ; old handler segment
push word ptr savsci ; old handler offset
push tempsci ; recover old ds
pop ds
ret ; do far return (chain to old handler)
srintc: mov al,mdeoi ; specific EOI
mov dx,mdintc ; interrupt controller control word
out dx,al
test dl,80h ; slave controller?
jz srintd ; z = no
mov al,22h ; specific EOI for IRQ 2 (cascade)
out 20h,al ; EOI the master 8259
srintd: test intkind,4 ; data ready?
jnz srint0a ; nz = yes, else ignore
srint0: sti ; else turn on interrupts
jmp retint ; and exit now (common jump point)
srint0a:mov dx,mst ; asynch status port
in al,dx
srint0b:cli ; no interrupts permitted here
and al,mdmover ; select overrun bit
mov ah,al ; save it for later
mov dx,mdat
in al,dx ; read the received character into al
test flowcnt,1 ; XON/XOFF flow control active?
jz srint2 ; z = no
mov dh,al ; dh = working copy. Check flow cntl
and dh,parmsk ; strip parity temporarily, if any
cmp dh,flowoff ; acting on Xoff?
jne srint1 ; ne = no, go on
cmp xofsnt,0 ; have we sent an outstanding XOFF?
jne srint4e ; ne = yes, ignore (possible echo)
mov xofrcv,bufon ; set the flag saying XOFF received
jmp short srint4e ; and continue the loop
srint1: cmp dh,flowon ; acting on Xon?
jne srint2 ; ne = no, go on
mov xofrcv,off ; clear the XOFF received flag
jmp short srint4e ; and continue the loop
srint2: push bx ; save register
or ah,ah ; overrun?
jz srint2a ; z = no
mov ah,al ; yes, save present char
mov al,bell ; insert control-G for missing char
srint2a:mov bx,srcpnt ; address of buffer storage slot
mov byte ptr [bx],al ; store the new char in buffer "source"
inc srcpnt ; point to next slot
inc bx
cmp bx,offset source + bufsiz ; beyond end of buffer?
jb srint3 ; b = not past end
mov srcpnt,offset source ; wrap buffer around
srint3: cmp count,bufsiz ; filled already?
jae srint4 ; ae = yes
inc count ; no, add a char
srint4: or ah,ah ; anything in overrun storage?
jz srint4a ; z = no
mov al,ah ; recover any recent char from overrun
xor ah,ah ; clear overrun storage
jmp short srint2a ; yes, go store real second char
srint4a:pop bx ; restore reg
srint4e:sti ; ok to allow interrupts now, not before
mov dx,mst ; uart line status register
in al,dx ; get status
test al,1 ; data ready?
jnz srint0b ; nz = yes, and preserve al
cmp count,mntrgh ; past the high trigger point?
jbe retint ; be = no, we're within our limit
test xofsnt,bufon ; has an XOFF been sent by buffer control?
jnz retint ; nz = Yes
test flowcnt,2 ; using RTS/CTS flow control?
jz srint4b ; z = no
mov dx,mst ; modem status port (03fdh)
dec dx ; modem control reg (03fch)
in al,dx
and al,not 2 ; reset RTS bit
jmp $+2
out dx,al ; tell the UART to drop RTS
mov xofsnt,bufon ; remember RTS reset at buffer level
jmp short retint
srint4b:mov al,flowoff ; get the flow off char (XOFF or null)
or al,al ; do not send null chars
jz retint ; z = null, nothing to send
push bx
mov bx,portval
cmp [bx].baud,Bsplit ; doing 75/1200 baud stuff?
pop bx
jne srint4c ; ne = no
mov quechar,al ; put char in outchr queue for sending
cmp timeract,0 ; is timer being used at task level?
jne srint4d ; ne = yes, just queue the char
mov ah,al ; put char into ah
call outchr ; send the char now, non-blocking
srint4d:jmp short retint
srint4c:call dopar ; set parity appropriately
mov ah,al ; don't overwrite character with status
push cx ; save reg
xor cx,cx ; loop counter
srint5: mov dx,mst ; get port status
in al,dx
test al,20H ; transmitter ready?
jnz srint6 ; nz = yes
jmp $+2 ; use time, prevent overdriving UART
loop srint5 ; else wait loop, cx times
jmp short srint7 ; timeout
srint6: mov al,ah ; now send out the flow control char
mov dx,modem.mddat
jmp $+2
out dx,al
mov xofsnt,bufon ; remember we sent an XOFF at buffer level
srint7: pop cx ; restore reg
retint: pop ds
pop dx
pop ax
DTRLOW PROC NEAR ; Global proc to Hangup the Phone or Network
; by making DTR and RTS low (phone).
mov ah,cmword ; allow text, to be able to display help
mov dx,offset rdbuf ; dummy buffer
mov bx,offset hnghlp ; help message
call comnd
jc dtrlow3 ; c = failure
mov ah,cmeol
call comnd ; get a confirm
jc dtrlow3
cmp flags.comflg,'0' ; Bios?
jb dtrlow1 ; b = no, UART
cmp flags.comflg,'4' ; Bios?
jbe dtrlow2 ; be = yes, can't access modem lines
dtrlow1:call serhng ; drop DTR and RTS
cmp taklev,0 ; in a Take file or macro?
jne dtrlow2 ; ne = yes, no message
mov ah,prstr ; give a nice message
mov dx,offset hngmsg
int dos
dtrlow2:clc ; success
; Hang up the Phone. Similar to SERRST except it just forces DTR and RTS low
; to terminate the connection. 29 March 1986 [jrd]
; 5 April 1987 Add 500 millisec wait with lines low before returning. [jrd]
; Calling this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless.
; If network then call nethangup procedure to hangup the session without
; losing local name information.
; Returns normally.
serhng proc near ; clear modem's delta status bits and lower DTR & RTS
;;;; call serini ; init port, if not done already
mov al,flags.comflg ; get kind of port
cmp al,4 ; UART?
jbe shng1 ; be = yes
cmp al,'4' ; Bios?
ja shng3 ; a = no, networks
clc ; else Bios, no hangup
shng3: cmp flags.comflg,'E' ; EBIOS?
jne shng2 ; ne = no
mov dx,ebport
mov ax,ebmodem*256+0 ; reset outgoing DTR and RTS leads
int rs232
mov ah,ebredir ; do redirect away from EBIOS
mov ebcoms+1,0 ; set port to hardware
int rs232
jmp short shng2e
shng2: call nethangup ; break the session
shng2e: call serrst ; reset port so can be opened again
shng1: call serrst ; reset port so serini can set DTR
call serini ; energize, maybe for first time
call serrst ; back to sleep
cli ; Disable interrupts
push ax
push dx
mov dx,modem.mddat ; serial port base address
add dx,4 ; increment to control register
mov al,08h ; reassert OUT2, un-assert DTR,RTS,OUT1
out dx,al
jmp $+2
add dx,2 ; increment to modem status register
in al,dx ; Clear Status reg by reading it
sti ; Enable interrupts
mov ax,500 ; 500 millisec, for pcwait
call pcwait ; keep lines low for at least 500 millisec
call serini ; energize port to set DTR high again
call serrst ; leave port off for CTTY actions
pop dx
pop ax
serhng endp
code ends